  • Title : Design and Fabrication of Reactor for Production of Nano-powders by Combustion Synthesis Process


    The continuing evolution of the materials world and the associated materials technologies is accelerating rapidly with each new technological development supplying more data to the knowledge bank. As new materials and even newer technologies are developed; methods of handling, forming and finishing are required to be devised to maintain pace with this rapid rate of development.

    Among the various ceramic processing techniques, the powder metallurgy route offers the advantages of homogenous product having a high degree of sinterability. It is well established that reactor properties of the final product depend significantly on initial powder characteristics and therefore the importance of this technology for synthesis of tailor made powder has increased. Combustion synthesis technique of powder production has been used worldwide to synthesize powders with required properties. Since the process is relatively a new one, it hasn’t been scaled up for mass production for the want of a suitable reactor which can fulfil the design and material constraints needed for efficient and high yield manufacturing. Hence, this study includes design and fabrication of combustion reactor enabling mass scale production of single phase ultra fine powders – which have tremendous applications in the fields of High temperature superconductors, gas sensors and fuel cells.

    Combustion Synthesis Reactor - General Specifications

    1. Reaction chamber and covering Head - Stainless Steel (304 L) - Weight = 12 Kg (9.5 + 2.5)
    2. Tilting and Reactor lifting Assembly - Mild Steel (IS 2062) - Weight = 9.6 Kg
    3. Heating Element - Kanthal - Power Rating: 1.75 KW, Current Rating: 6 Amps
    4. Temperature Sensor - Cr-Al Alloy - Sensitivity = 41 µV/OC
    5. Solid State Relay - Current Rating: 16 Amps
    6. Insulation Material - Ceramic Wool
    7. Useful Reactor volume for synthesis: 7.5 liters
    8. Floor Space area of Reactor Assembly: 800 cm2 (124 inches2)

    Diagrams and Figures and Photos and Images and Stuff 😎

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  • raj87verma88

    MemberMay 2, 2008

    It will be useful to many. Thanks for sharing
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 2, 2008

    Hey Suyash, this is really cool. Thanks for sharing!
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberMay 2, 2008

    Nice! Hope others can contribute too 😀
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  • suyash

    MemberMay 2, 2008

    I just posted this, because on careful observation, the description of the parent forum for this thread read :

    Discuss your engineering projects, seminar topics in this section.

    Since the time I have been on CE, mostly all I'm seeing here is would-be-engineers asking for project ideas and seminars !!
    Glad that some people think this might be useful 😎
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  • arti_mishra

    MemberJul 27, 2008

    plz suggest me some good VB.NET final year project
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  • sonasathish

    MemberJul 27, 2008

    I just posted this, because on careful observation, the description of the parent forum for this thread read :

    Discuss your engineering projects, seminar topics in this section.

    Since the time I have been on CE, mostly all I'm seeing here is would-be-engineers asking for project ideas and seminars !!
    Glad that some people think this might be useful 😎
    Hey man i am doing my final year! I am in search of a good project! Can u suggest me one! Also can i have the detailed description of ur project!!!
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