Member • Nov 6, 2011
Multiple Mac OSx Versions on Same Mac - Snow Leopard & Lion
Is it possible? If yes, how?
I have to make sure that there will be no data loss.
Member • Nov 6, 2011
Member • Dec 25, 2011
Administrator • Dec 25, 2011
Administrator • Dec 25, 2011
Member • Dec 27, 2011
Administrator • Dec 27, 2011
Well, I've no clue how to partition a mac; and have no intention to partition my new 27". Lion just works very well. What I know for sure is that a Mac can run Windows 7 but not 100% sure about Lion & Leopard running on two partitions.KenJacksonBut the real question is whether you can install and run any version of
OSX in a virtual machine that's hosted by non-Apple hardware.
Apple's answer is (paraphrasing): ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Even if you pay full price for OSX from a licensed Apple dealer, Apple thinks
they get to decide what you can do with it. Some of us think it's unethical
for the seller to dictate to the buyer, so I'm all in favor of any innovation
that enables running it in KVM or VirtualBox on a Linux PC. And I've read
that it's been done, but I haven't gotten around to it myself.
Member • Dec 27, 2011
Administrator • Dec 27, 2011
Why not? We'd like to know.Suresh ManickamNo, its not possible.