  • Hi CEngz,
    Facing a new challenge in making "Electronic Fuel Injection System". Using a PWM circuit, we generate a square wave form signal (5V peak to peak). This output signal is fed to MOSFET/Solid State Relays (for switching ON/OFF) to drive a solenoid operating at high current (20A) & High voltage (24V) from 2 car batteries connected in series. The ON/OFF takes place @ the rate on 25 times per second. Can anyone suggest a part/item or a complete circuit diagram along with the connections for the above requirement. The PWM circuit can be seen at ""
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank You.
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    MemberJun 11, 2011


    as per your schematic & question you are taking 5V supply, increase it upto 9V (not more than 15V b'coz mosfet at gate voltage of 15V will burn out), you are taking o/p from 7 pin then feed this to gate of mosfet ( take IRF 3205) #-Link-Snipped-#
    try this this may help......
    try with common source..
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  • d_vipul

    MemberJun 14, 2011

    Hey Cean,

    use SCR instead which has higher power current capacities............

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    MemberJun 14, 2011


    SCR are the old tech. using MOSFET is fine, after mosfet. it comes IGBT ( insulated gate bipolar transistor) its currrent capabilities is more than 400amps....................
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