Microsoft Windows RT Tablet May Be Announced On 18th June Event; Is Nokia Involved?

Microsoft's office in Los Angeles is hosting an event on June 18th, 2012, to which all the major tech blogs are invited (yes, for live-blogging). Though this indeed is a good news, but some of us are unhappy because Microsoft is all hush-hush about the details of the event. It could be related to anything. Right from announcing a Windows Phone 8 or something about Xbox or what has become the talk of the town - a Windows RT or ARM-based Windows tablet. Wait, what? If you still aren't familiar with what Windows RT is, you might want to check Microsoft's #-Link-Snipped-# for a chart that lists differences between Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro and Windows RT.


Having said that, we have strong reasons to believe that the tablet would feature a #-Link-Snipped-#, the new tiled user interface, which surfaces information from the app in real-time and it could be, just could be built by Nokia. Why do we say this? Well, an interesting turn-up happened when Nokia uploaded the above image on its #-Link-Snipped-#. The image as you can see has a background of Hawaii islands upon which reside the Nokia map's location bubbles. Does that ring a bell? or Are the dates a mere co-incidence? We have to wait till monday to find out.

Update: The Hawaii image could be a reference to Nokia’s 41-megapixel Pure View smartphone because Hawaii's area code is 808. So, Nokia releasing that image could mean that it is going to talk about U.S. availability of that phone on 06/18/12. 

Via: Microsoft Schedules L.A. Event for Some Windows Tablet Talk - Ina Fried - Mobile - AllThingsD


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