  • CEans,

    World's biggest software maker - Microsoft is willing to pay $44.6 billion for acquiring Yahoo - the Internet's biggest website!

    Now, while Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is attempting world's biggest technology take-over, what do our CEans have to say about the same?

    Do you think with Microsoft taking over Yahoo, Google may face some tough competition in future? Note that currently, Google owns the Internet Search & advertising business and its far ahead of its competitors.

    So post your free comments, thoughts & ideas in this thread. Let's see what our crazy engineers have to say about this deal.
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  • Yousuf Rafi

    MemberFeb 4, 2008

    No way man, Google is the simplest and the fastest search engine and i don't think anyone can compete with it
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberFeb 6, 2008

    Well, its just a one off bid. So theres no guarantee that Yahoo! would give in to the $44.6 billion deal. Remember Oracle's takeover of Peoplesoft took more than a year to close. So, I would say that theres some time before Yahoo! gives in to MS.

    Although, it would be interesting to see how this turns out considering the fact that PHP inventor Lerdorg is working at Yahoo! currently 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 6, 2008

    😀 Right ! However, I was bit surprised to see that Yahoo did not reject the offer rightaway. Probably the Y! board members are evaluating the offer and looking at other opportunities. I personally believe that Yahoo needs a boost and MS wants space in online advertising and search. So combination will provide a good competition to the big G.

    Google's blog post about the deal clears says that they're bit worried about the acquisition. But hey! that's a good news for the users! 😀
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberFeb 11, 2008

    Well, an update on this one. Yahoo! has rejected the offer, and rightly so. In fact, Yahoo! itself has shown strong signals to the market by recently acquiring a blog firm by the name, MyBlogLog.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 11, 2008

    Well, an update on this one. Yahoo! has rejected the offer, and rightly so. In fact, Yahoo! itself has shown strong signals to the market by recently acquiring a blog firm by the name, MyBlogLog.
    MyBlogLog is a nice website 😁 I guess Yahoo won't listen to anyone who offers less than $40/share, what say?

    Btw, Google wants to 'help' Yahoo :sshhh: , what could be the consequences?
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberFeb 11, 2008

    $40 would be a good price.

    Google "helping" Yahoo! 😀 ... the mail users go to Y! and the ad revenues go to Google? That's another unholy matrimony ... seriously.
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  • vivekrj09

    MemberFeb 12, 2008

    hey but d latest buzz is dat yahoo's considering merger wid AOL to prevent succumbing to the hostile bid.
    Neways i dont think dis wud affect google's biz .No reasons though juz a gut feeling but wud luv to witness if it happens
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