  • Kaustubh

    MemberNov 13, 2006

    Mega Memory Techniques

    This topic was on my mind since long.

    Everyone wants to have mega memory. Well, God already did a great job by providing us with 'brain' which can store almost infinite data (Well, the current estimates state that its somewhere between 500-1000 terabytes : that is equal to lots of iPods).

    Well, then how do we use it to the fullest? There are scientific techniques to memorize the stuff effectively. This thread is dedicated to discussions related to all such techniques. Of course, we can generate new ideas as well.

    What do CEans have to say about it? Liked the idea?

    -The Big K-
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  • seeya302004

    MemberNov 14, 2006

    Certainly the idea is unique n kool.I mean we use a v v v small section of our brains still we've done a lot(i mean humans).Now,how abt imagining the world when we guys will use our brains to its full strength!!!!... Unimaginably kooooool.Wow! How abt asking u a logarithmic value or sum info abt Nebula or DNA or sum other language n u actually able to giv answers to all dese! Awesome Man! Love to be a part of this thread! 😀
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  • crook

    MemberNov 14, 2006

    Good job, admin!

    Mnemonics (memory aids) is the word under spotlight. You remember anything by associating it with something which you already know. Interestingly, human brain forgets (mind well, it remains in the brain) anything which is mundane or uncommon. But the brain retains events/stuff which are ridiculous or uncommon. One can remember anything by associating the things which he/she already knows.

    I'll start a simple memory game next time. All I need is honest crazy engineers 😁
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  • frodo.rok

    MemberDec 2, 2006

    human brain is not only memorise things it creates.
    and i think the more one memorise the more he/she get dumb.
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  • Jerry

    MemberDec 3, 2006

    Good job, admin!

    Mnemonics (memory aids) is the word under spotlight. You remember anything by associating it with something which you already know. Interestingly, human brain forgets (mind well, it remains in the brain) anything which is mundane or uncommon. But the brain retains events/stuff which are ridiculous or uncommon. One can remember anything by associating the things which he/she already knows.

    I'll start a simple memory game next time. All I need is honest crazy engineers 😁
    I agree. I have ready Harry Lorayne. I'll have to read the techniques before discussing them on the forum.

    human brain is not only memorise things it creates.
    and i think the more one memorise the more he/she get dumb.
    That's not true, frodo! You gotta know what to remember & what to forget!

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  • frodo.rok

    MemberDec 6, 2006

    I agree. I have ready Harry Lorayne. I'll have to read the techniques before discussing them on the forum.

    That's not true, frodo! You gotta know what to remember & what to forget!


    but how can one get control over his/her memory.
    i mean if i see a beautyful lady i cannot forget her
    though i try a lot.
    we do not memorise something only by ovserving it
    over and over we remeber also those things which we like
    or dislike.
    so the control is not entirely on our hand.
    also we remeber things by making paths and linkages
    in brain.and when we create something we utilise
    those paths for mixing and connection of different
    memory element to make a new concept.
    so blocking of those paths by loads of memory causes one
    to have low creative ability.
    so what i think will be the best is to make a balance
    between this two contradiction.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 25, 2006

    Frodo [​IMG] !

    Of course, we remember most of the things by linking them with something we already know. Now our aim is to improve the way we link the new things with the existing ones in our brain.

    As someone said above, we tend to remember stuff which is unusual. There are a number of memory techniques to achieve this. Don't worry about making a hard-disk of your brain, there are lots of TBs in it for you to utilize. Moreover, the more you know, the more creative you are 😉

    -The Big K-
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberDec 27, 2006

    Has anyone read about the case study on The man with the indellible memory? I had read it as a child, from this book called as ABC's of the human mind. There actually was a guy in human history who could not forget even if he wanted to!

    Now just imagine the amount of information overload he must be having!! For us its ok, we have a long term (HDD) and a short term (RAM) memory.

    What Biggie is sayign here is to increase the long term memory usage and capacity, generally, symbolic association works for me.
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  • muzaffar

    MemberFeb 23, 2007

    😁 hello,
    we can use it whole memory .but there are some tactics which we have to face,
    OOPS!!!!!!!1 its shankpushpi...LOL
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  • crook

    MemberFeb 23, 2007

    😁 hello,
    we can use it whole memory .but there are some tactics which we have to face,
    OOPS!!!!!!!1 its shankpushpi...LOL
    You believe that those tonics actually work? I agree with kidakaka that one cannot forget even if he wants to. Biggie, update on mnemonics?
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