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  • arunchary

    MemberSep 10, 2013

    can you please share the related paper such that we can provide a solution............
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  • maraitamilan

    MemberSep 11, 2013

    for radial distribution 33 bus boss using forward/backward sweep
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  • arunchary

    MemberSep 12, 2013

    please follow the paper where he discussed in steps to implement the code....
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  • arunchary

    MemberSep 12, 2013

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  • maraitamilan

    MemberSep 15, 2013

    load flow now ok have to start with branch and bound technique
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  • shruti21

    MemberSep 16, 2013

    hello boss. doing my project on the topic reconfiguration of distribution network for loss minimization and facing the same problem of radial load flow. i have gone through a few of radial load flow papers based on forward backward sweep. coding part is problematic. i really need help! please help
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  • maraitamilan

    MemberSep 16, 2013

    hi Shruti21 using which technique going to reconfigure.... and btw i got load flow for radial system
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  • shruti21

    MemberSep 16, 2013

    using GA. u got the load flow code ?
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  • maraitamilan

    MemberSep 16, 2013

    u are using only one objective or multiobjective????..... ya got the code
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  • arunchary

    MemberSep 16, 2013

    hi guys please share the following code where u getting issue ok such that ill go through once and ill try to solve ok...........
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  • shruti21

    MemberSep 16, 2013

    hi sir..share ur email id ,so that i can mail u the code
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberSep 16, 2013

    @#-Link-Snipped-# Why not share your Matlab code here itself ?
    Many CEans will indirectly get help from your code too.
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  • arunchary

    MemberSep 16, 2013

    hi sir..share ur email id ,so that i can mail u the code
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  • yahya idrias

    MemberOct 7, 2013

    hello sir i have a same problem, my project is reconfiguration network fo real loss reduction to increase the reliability network, may anyone may help me with the matlab code, it's starting to depressed me...
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  • Chaitali Sumita

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    Hi friends....
    I've solved different papers for load flow in radial distribution system and one paper for mesh network.
    So I can help you for load flow..
    But i need some help in reconfiguration. How can i approach for reconfiguration????
    Waiting for your replies.
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  • Chaitali Sumita

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    hi sir..share ur email id ,so that i can mail u the code
    U can ask me for load flow.... i got the results...
    I'm also working for reconfiguration..
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  • maraitamilan

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    use any of the evolutionary algorithm for reconfiguration
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  • Chaitali Sumita

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    use any of the evolutionary algorithm for reconfiguration
    evolutionary algorithm means????
    Can u tell me some clearly....
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  • maraitamilan

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    genetic,differential, harmony search etc
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  • Chaitali Sumita

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Vol. 7, No. 3, July 1992.
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  • Chaitali Sumita

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    genetic,differential, harmony search etc
    IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Vol. 7, No. 3, July 1992.
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  • maraitamilan

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    1992.... might be old strategy new ideas might arrived at this time
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  • Chaitali Sumita

    MemberFeb 10, 2014

    1992.... might be old strategy new ideas might arrived at this time
    can u suggest me any paper which is easy to understand the concept of reconfiguration?????
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  • Chaitali Sumita

    MemberMar 3, 2014

    sooraj narayan
    Hai sooraj narayan...
    I think u r making program for the paper titled as "a direct approach for distribution system load flow solution" by J H Teng. U can mail me your program to my mail #-Link-Snipped-#
    I've solved that paper. but i don't want to give my program.
    however i can help to identify the mistakes in ur program or i can provide u results for any system to do ur thesis work.
    If u want results only, u can mail me the data for any bus system.

    The email id which i've mentioned is not my personal id. I'll check that mail weakly once. so please be patience to get the reply from me.
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  • Chaitali Sumita

    MemberMar 3, 2014

    1992.... might be old strategy new ideas might arrived at this time
    Hai maraitamilan..
    Thanks for your suggestion about reconfiguration. I've searched for latest papers and i got the program for reconfiguration. I would like to thank you for your replies to my questions. Thank u once again....
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  • Chaitali Sumita

    MemberMar 3, 2014

    sooraj narayan
    clear all
    % eval('linedata15bus')
    % eval('loadadata15bus')
    % while (dVmax>0.00001)
    for k=1:nbus
    for k=nbranch:-1:1

    for k=1:nbranch

    for k=1😔nbus-1)
    disp('BUS VOLTAGES ARE');
    Hai sooraj narayan...
    I think u r making program for the paper titled as "a direct approach for distribution system load flow solution" by J H Teng. U can mail me your program to my mail.
    I've solved that paper. but i don't want to give my program.
    however i can help to identify the mistakes in ur program or i can provide u results for any system to do ur thesis work.
    If u want results only, u can mail me the data for any bus system.
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  • Jigar123

    MemberMar 18, 2014

    hi shruti21, I am trying to implement code for ladder network theory. It will be helpful to me if you will help me with the code of forward backward seep method.
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  • Vanipd

    MemberApr 16, 2014


    I would like to do my project on the topic ‘Power Loss Minimization in Distribution System Using Network Reconfiguration in the Presence of Distributed Generation’- (IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, VOL. 28, NO. 1, FEBRUARY 2013) But I don’t know how to start.😔... May anyone please give me guidelines for starting my project..
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  • Vanipd

    MemberApr 20, 2014

    y no replies?? 😔
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberApr 25, 2014


    I would like to do my project on the topic ‘Power Loss Minimization in Distribution System Using Network Reconfiguration in the Presence of Distributed Generation’- (IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, VOL. 28, NO. 1, FEBRUARY 2013) But I don’t know how to start.😔... May anyone please give me guidelines for starting my project..

    First u've to do load flow analysis for radial distribution system.
    after this u can get the idea how to integrate Distributed generation into radial distribution system and how to do reconfiguration.
    so choose a good paper and start writing program for load flow of radial dist. system.
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  • Vanipd

    MemberApr 26, 2014

    First u've to do load flow analysis for radial distribution system.
    after this u can get the idea how to integrate Distributed generation into radial distribution system and how to do reconfiguration.
    so choose a good paper and start writing program for load flow of radial dist. system.
    Sir, thank you for ur reply

    Any suggestion for such papers??
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberApr 27, 2014

    Sir, thank you for ur reply

    Any suggestion for such papers??
    First try to search for papers in Google. If you couldn't get any paper, then i'll suggest some papers for load flow.
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  • Vanipd

    MemberApr 30, 2014

    y we r nt choosing Conventional METHODS such as Gauss Siedel , NR..... ??
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  • yahya idrias

    MemberMay 5, 2014

    hello, does anybody have finish this work?
    i really need help for this one
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberMay 9, 2014

    y we r nt choosing Conventional METHODS such as Gauss Siedel , NR..... ??
    1. NR & GS methods require solutions of set of equations whose size is of the order of number of the buses. This results in long computation time.
    2. For distribution system, Ybus matrix is very sparse => waste of memory storage.
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberMay 9, 2014

    yahya idrias
    hello, does anybody have finish this work?
    i really need help for this one
    Which type of help you need??? Load flow???
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  • yahya idrias

    MemberMay 9, 2014

    Which type of help you need??? Load flow???
    yes sir, i have a load flow program using newton raphson.
    but i still confuse how to get the feeder with minimum loss.
    really need a help sir.
    thanks for replying my post 😀
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  • Vanipd

    MemberMay 9, 2014

    yahya idrias
    yes sir, i have a load flow program using newton raphson.
    but i still confuse how to get the feeder with minimum loss.
    really need a help sir.
    thanks for replying my post 😀
    #-Link-Snipped-# .... for me too........ 😔
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberMay 11, 2014

    for which
    yahya idrias
    yes sir, i have a load flow program using newton raphson.
    but i still confuse how to get the feeder with minimum loss.
    really need a help sir.
    thanks for replying my post 😀
    for which type of system you would like to do load flow???
    Transmission or distribution??
    U can use modified NR for distribution system also.
    Presently i'm working on Distribution Side.
    If u r working on Transmission side, u can take some others help...
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  • Vanipd

    MemberMay 12, 2014

    for which

    for which type of system you would like to do load flow???
    Transmission or distribution??
    U can use modified NR for distribution system also.
    Presently i'm working on Distribution Side.
    If u r working on Transmission side, u can take some others help...
    Sir am using IEEE 69 bus radial distribution system
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  • yahya idrias

    MemberMay 12, 2014

    for which

    for which type of system you would like to do load flow???
    Transmission or distribution??
    U can use modified NR for distribution system also.
    Presently i'm working on Distribution Side.
    If u r working on Transmission side, u can take some others help...
    i am working on distribution side in my country sir...
    using ieee 33 and 69 bus the first step.
    my present work is make a radial to mesh system and than count load flow by opening switch one by one...
    that why i confuse how to count using matlab when one switch is open.
    i just know a little about matlab.. really need a help sir..
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  • Vanipd

    MemberMay 12, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# which paper u r following??
    am also doing in IEEE 69 bus radial distribution s/m.....

    if u can plz give me ur contact id.... for constant replies....
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  • yahya idrias

    MemberMay 13, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# which paper u r following??
    am also doing in IEEE 69 bus radial distribution s/m.....

    if u can plz give me ur contact id.... for constant replies....
    you can email me here mam : #-Link-Snipped-#
    hope that we can help each other.. 😀
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  • shipra jhariya

    MemberMay 19, 2014

    hello..mi thesis topic is also d same as above.. " network reconfiguration of radial distribution system using GENETIC ALGORITHIM in MATLAB". Firstly I have to calculate power loss using load flow using forward backward sweep algorithm. pls help me
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberMay 19, 2014

    Sir am using IEEE 69 bus radial distribution system
    did you take any base paper for load flow????
    If not, U can take any one among these papers listed below.
    1. "A Direct Approach for Distribution System Load Flow Solutions" by J H Teng, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2003, 18(3):882-887 (Page numbers).
    2. "Topology based approach for Efficient Load flow Solution of Radial Distribution Networks" by KVS Ramachandra Murty, et al; 16th National Power System Conference, 2010, 176-179
    3. "Simple and efficient method for load flow solution of radial distribution networks" by D. Das , et al; Electrical power & Energy Systems, 1995, 17(5): 335-346.
    4. "A Novel Load Flow Method for Radial Distribution Systems for Realistic Loads" by K Nagaraju, et al; Electric Power Components and Systems, 2001, 39(2): 128-141.
    I've idea on these papers for load flow solution of radial and mesh distribution systems.
    I can help u for these papers.
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberMay 20, 2014

    yahya idrias
    i am working on distribution side in my country sir...
    using ieee 33 and 69 bus the first step.
    my present work is make a radial to mesh system and than count load flow by opening switch one by one...
    that why i confuse how to count using matlab when one switch is open.
    i just know a little about matlab.. really need a help sir..

    counting load flow???
    do you mean number of iterations???
    if so, try to implement the load flow for radial as well as mesh networks for 33 bus system. Later u can remove the loops one by one in mesh load flow program to count number of iterations...
    for IEEE 33 bus system, You'll get less number of iterations for mesh network (with 5 loops) than radial network.
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  • shipra jhariya

    MemberMay 20, 2014

    thanku for d repli..
    except serial no. 2 I have read other papers and for fbsa mi base is "a simplified approach for load flow analysis of radial network" , K.Vinoth kumar ,M.P.Selvan
    I am trying to follow the flowchart but...
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberMay 20, 2014

    shipra jhariya
    hello..mi thesis topic is also d same as above.. " network reconfiguration of radial distribution system using GENETIC ALGORITHIM in MATLAB". Firstly I have to calculate power loss using load flow using forward backward sweep algorithm. pls help me
    first search for papers in internet and select one good paper for load flow.
    Try to understand the concept in that paper and then go for programming.
    If you get any doubts in concept or programming, post in crazyengineers..
    We are here to help you..
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberMay 20, 2014

    shipra jhariya
    thanku for d repli..
    except serial no. 2 I have read other papers and for fbsa mi base is "a simplified approach for load flow analysis of radial network" , K.Vinoth kumar ,M.P.Selvan
    I am trying to follow the flowchart but...
    Just now i read your paper...
    Its a good one..
    and authors presented their idea in very easy manner.
    They have given each and every step for programming also...
    Then where u r getting the problem?????
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  • shipra jhariya

    MemberMay 20, 2014

    yes ofcourse...I have the theory knowledge about Forward backward algorithm and also started matlab coding where I found only current injection at any node say (n) assuming flat voltage Vn=1+j*0. But in line charging current, how voltage has to be take Vb..?
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  • shipra jhariya

    MemberMay 20, 2014

    hello sir..pls help me
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  • shipra jhariya

    MemberMay 20, 2014

    hiee dear,
    I read ur threads..mi thesis topic is "reconfiguration of radial distribution network using GA" in MATLAB. to solve load flow m using forward backward sweep algorithm for which d paper I refer is " A simplified approach for load flow analysis of RDN by K.VINOTH KUMAR, M.P.SELVAN"
    pls help me how to code those eqn n flowchart in MATLAB.
    ITS URGENT. pls do repli.
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberMay 21, 2014

    shipra jhariya
    yes ofcourse...I have the theory knowledge about Forward backward algorithm and also started matlab coding where I found only current injection at any node say (n) assuming flat voltage Vn=1+j*0. But in line charging current, how voltage has to be take Vb..?
    In that paper, he has given Vb and Vb+1..
    for finding line charging current, you can take the voltages at sending and receiving end nodes....
    In his point of view, suppose line 2 is in between 2nd and 3rd buses (nodes).

    But we can't assume that the difference between sending end node and receiving end node is 1. for ex, Some lines (say 9) may exist between 2nd and 23rd nodes.
    in this case, according to his formula;

    Use sending end node and receiving end node voltages for finding line charging currents instead of using Vb and Vb+1.

    Moreover, for IEEE 33 and 69 bus distribution systems, line charging admittance is zero.
    So u can avoid it...

    I didn't perform load flow for balanced radial distribution system with line charging admittance. If you have the data with line charging admittance, tell me the title of that paper. i too will solve it.
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberMay 21, 2014

    shipra jhariya
    hello sir..pls help me
    In that paper,
    He has given laterals, sub laterals, main lines, etc......
    No need to consider all those things while writing program for balanced radial distribution system.

    Do one thing.
    First find the load currents at each node.
    Starting from the last branch to 1st branch, find the effective branch current in each line by summing its sending end and receiving end node currents.
    When you get branch current, you can find the voltage in forward direction.
    Try to understand it..
    Simply two steps to solve load flow.
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  • Vanipd

    MemberMay 22, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# sir in ma base papr, they have mentioned about two parameters 'G' and 'L'.... how can we calculate that distances??
    base papr: Power Loss Minimization in Distribution System Using Network Reconfiguration in the Presence of Distributed Generation

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  • Raviteja16

    MemberMay 24, 2014

    #-Link-Snipped-# sir in ma base papr, they have mentioned about two parameters 'G' and 'L'.... how can we calculate that distances??
    base papr: Power Loss Minimization in Distribution System Using Network Reconfiguration in the Presence of Distributed Generation

    If u know the total branches between source node and a node at which DG is connected, u can easily find the distance between them.
    In a distribution system, consider line P is in between nodes M (sending) and N (receiving).
    for writing program in a general way, take the node N and find the line for which it is acting as receiving end node in the given line data using "find" command. Save that line number in a vector. later treat the sending node of the same line as receiving end node for next step. Repeat the same above.
    So in second step, u'll get the line number (towards source side) which is connected to line L.
    Repeat the same process until u get sending/receiving node = source node.
    At final u'll get all the branches which are connected between source node and node at which DG is connected or a node from which u would like to measure the distance... After that u can find G and L easily.
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  • shipra jhariya

    MemberMay 25, 2014

    In that paper, he has given Vb and Vb+1..
    for finding line charging current, you can take the voltages at sending and receiving end nodes....
    In his point of view, suppose line 2 is in between 2nd and 3rd buses (nodes).

    But we can't assume that the difference between sending end node and receiving end node is 1. for ex, Some lines (say 9) may exist between 2nd and 23rd nodes.
    in this case, according to his formula;

    Use sending end node and receiving end node voltages for finding line charging currents instead of using Vb and Vb+1.

    Moreover, for IEEE 33 and 69 bus distribution systems, line charging admittance is zero.
    So u can avoid it...

    I didn't perform load flow for balanced radial distribution system with line charging admittance. If you have the data with line charging admittance, tell me the title of that paper. i too will solve it.
    If u know the total branches between source node and a node at which DG is connected, u can easily find the distance between them.
    In a distribution system, consider line P is in between nodes M (sending) and N (receiving).
    for writing program in a general way, take the node N and find the line for which it is acting as receiving end node in the given line data using "find" command. Save that line number in a vector. later treat the sending node of the same line as receiving end node for next step. Repeat the same above.
    So in second step, u'll get the line number (towards source side) which is connected to line L.
    Repeat the same process until u get sending/receiving node = source node.
    At final u'll get all the branches which are connected between source node and node at which DG is connected or a node from which u would like to measure the distance... After that u can find G and L easily.
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  • shipra jhariya

    MemberMay 25, 2014

    shipra jhariya
    hello gm...
    thanku for ur valuable support... I follow those steps and somehow I am trying to solve it.....
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  • shipra jhariya

    MemberMay 26, 2014

    sir pls tell me how to apply GA on reconfiguration of radial nw to reduce losses
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberMay 26, 2014

    shipra jhariya
    sir pls tell me how to apply GA on reconfiguration of radial nw to reduce losses
    My area is distributed generation integration in radial distribution system...
    i dont have any idea about genetic algorithm.... 😔
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  • shipra jhariya

    MemberMay 26, 2014

    no sir...thanks for valuable support.. 😀
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  • shipra jhariya

    MemberMay 26, 2014

    yahya idrias
    you can email me here mam : #-Link-Snipped-#
    hope that we can help each other.. 😀
    hello sir
    m working over "reconfiguration of radial distribution network using GA " in MATLAB.
    m not able make it relevant to each other
    pls help me out
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  • Vanipd

    MemberMay 26, 2014

    sir #-Link-Snipped-#
    can we incorporate DG into the load flow using FORWARD-BACKWARD METHOD??
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  • shipra jhariya

    MemberMay 27, 2014

    genetic,differential, harmony search etc
    Abhishek Rawal
    @#-Link-Snipped-# Why not share your Matlab code here itself ?
    Many CEans will indirectly get help from your code too.
    hello sir
    mi thesis topic is reconfiguration of radial distribution network using GA
    in matlab
    pls help mee out how to make relevance between GA and reconfiguration. its urgent
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberMay 31, 2014

    sir #-Link-Snipped-#
    can we incorporate DG into the load flow using FORWARD-BACKWARD METHOD??
    Yes we can...
    there are some papers in ieeexplore related to your topic...
    search for those....
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  • yahya idrias

    MemberJun 2, 2014

    is there someone want to share the matlab code for this topic..?
    i think it will very helpfull 😀
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  • Vanipd

    MemberAug 27, 2014

    hey frds............ have one dbt..... when i run the program coding (Harmony Search Algorithm) at different times........i got different solutions for each run....... y it is??
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  • maraitamilan

    MemberAug 27, 2014

    hey frds............ have one dbt..... when i run the program coding (Harmony Search Algorithm) at different times........i got different solutions for each run....... y it is??
    it is evolutionary algorithm like learning from mistakes and improving... u ll get the same answer at intervals meaning every 5th time or every 6th time
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  • maraitamilan

    MemberAug 27, 2014

    sir #-Link-Snipped-#
    can we incorporate DG into the load flow using FORWARD-BACKWARD METHOD??
    yes you can...
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  • maraitamilan

    MemberAug 27, 2014

    shipra jhariya
    sir pls tell me how to apply GA on reconfiguration of radial nw to reduce losses
    choose any other ga is done by many
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  • Vanipd

    MemberAug 27, 2014

    sir can u say abt evolutionary algorithm??
    and which solution hav to b taken as optimal??
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  • lakshman dhinakar

    MemberMar 23, 2015

    hello sir,
    i am doing a project which i am not getting matlab code for this particular algorithm..i think you can help me with this problem..our project is "RECONFIGURATION OF DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM BY USING FLOWER POLLINATION ALGORITHM"....the main objective of this project to reduce the power losses in distribution network.can you please help me with the code that where i can get it or where i can learn to write the code for this particular topic.please help me sir.
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  • AndreaRodic

    MemberJun 23, 2015

    Hi guys! I am new here, and I hope you colud help me with my problem. Well, I need to write code for power flow using back/forward sweep algorythm in Fortran programming language? But if not Fortran, maybe you can help me with Matlab or C++ and then I would convert it by myself?
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  • katayun

    MemberOct 21, 2015

    Hello sir
    my thesis topic is Reconfiguration Of Distributation Networks for purchased energy cost minimization in presence of DGs by improved Genetic algoritm please help me?
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  • katayun

    MemberOct 21, 2015

    Hello sir
    my thesis topic is Reconfiguration Of Distributation Networks for purchased energy cost minimization in presence of DGs by improved Genetic algoritm please help me?
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  • katayun

    MemberOct 21, 2015

    😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 please
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberJan 24, 2016

    sir #-Link-Snipped-#
    can we incorporate DG into the load flow using FORWARD-BACKWARD METHOD??
    Yes... We can
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  • angelle valiquette

    MemberFeb 21, 2016

    hello every body plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i need a help for findind load flow in radial distribution network can any body help me to do with the matlab coding for this please help
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  • Raviteja16

    MemberFeb 28, 2016

    angelle valiquette
    hello every body plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i need a help for findind load flow in radial distribution network can any body help me to do with the matlab coding for this please help
    Yes.. Pls tel me where did u stuck in RDS loadflow.
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  • angelle valiquette

    MemberSep 3, 2016

    hello every body plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i need a help for finding load flow in radial distribution network can any body help me to do this with the matlab coding .please help
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  • angelle valiquette

    MemberSep 3, 2016

    Yes.. Pls tel me where did u stuck in RDS loadflow.
    pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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