  • Hiiii to all CE Fans
    I got admissions from Deakin University and Central Quensland University ( Australia).
    I need all your suggestions and expectations about the future of these two courses and which course is best fit for my profile...... So common start the conversation by hitting your Ideas I have 2 months time to decide the course and university.I got 6 band in my Ielts. Am planning for 7 band. Common friends boost me...
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberDec 24, 2012

    Forensics needs keener interest and that if you have you are ready to give it a shot

    Networking is completely different from forensics here totally different atmosphere filled with computers await Choose wisely
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  • imgopi

    MemberDec 24, 2012

    Forensics needs keener interest and that if you have you are ready to give it a shot

    Networking is completely different from forensics here totally different atmosphere filled with computers await Choose wisely
    Okay friend thanks for your fast reply.I am thinking about the job market about these courses.If I choose Forensics, the companies asking at least 2 years experience in that field it shows for freshers market is some what dull.
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