  • Maruti Suzuki android app for car servicing will soon be launched and is expected to help customers with their car servicing needs. Maruti Suzuki India Limited aka MSIL is looking to introduce an app targeted at Android platform. The app will help customers book their job orders via centrally located server through the app. The company says that service center executives will be able to take photographs and record the proofs of scratches / dents already present on the car at the time of creating the job order. The app will use cloud services to record several parameters of bookings, delivery times, customer feedback etc.

    I think the app can be used in several innovative ways as well. Here are a few things I'd expect in the app-
    • Tell the customer information about the exact cost of servicing including that of oil, replaced parts.
    • Inform the customers 1 hour in advance of the expected delivery time
    • Give the customer a real time update on the progress of the service (like car washed, oil changed, wheels balanced and so on)
    • Give the customer alerts about due servicing dates.
    • Let the app deliver tips and tricks to the customer to get the maximum mileage out of car etc.
    What'd you expect the app to do for you? Share below.
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