Man and Machine and Completely Automated Cars

This post is NOT to say that machines are getting intelligent and over taking man.

The root cause is a discussion between me and my friend on the Engineer's importance in the world in creating machines.

I was staying at USA since a month and roaming around , I observe many things Automated. First the cars are Auto transmitted.

We find pretty expensive cars to be AT in India.

So, I was saying that Robot cars are possible, and we (read Engineers) can make a robotic car, which doesnt require any manual intervention.

Google tested it as well.

And , the discussion was no the government will not allow as shown in Robot movie, its a stupid machine which doesnt know whom to harm and whom to not.

I am still confident that within 10-20 years we get cars so intelligent that it knows everything.

So what you guys say about that?

Is complete Automation possible in most of the things?

PS. I sometimes think there should be a software which takes requirements and create the required java/QTP(testing) code.


  • Mr.Don
    There's nothing 100% perfect in this universe and hence not possible. Even though we made it look possible in future it will still have some flaws in it. Complete Automation is always dangerous.

    Even though if Complete Automation is required it can only possible with built tracks and made the vehicles go only through the tracks otherwise its a risk.
  • Saandeep Sreerambatla
    Saandeep Sreerambatla
    dileep k
    There's nothing 100% perfect in this universe and hence not possible. Even though we made it look possible in future it will still have some flaws in it. Complete Automation is always dangerous.

    Even though if Complete Automation is required it can only possible with built tracks and made the vehicles go only through the tracks otherwise its a risk.

    I completely disagree!

    wht just to confine ourselves with built in tracks?

    I am still confident that we will have a driver less car pretty soon 😀
  • Mr.Don
    Yeah but I will still like it if possible. We don't need to apply for vehicle license any more. 😛
  • Ankita Katdare
    Ankita Katdare
    I completely disagree!

    wht just to confine ourselves with built in tracks?

    I am still confident that we will have a driver less car pretty soon 😀
    I agree with ES. It might be possible. With AI in it's place coupled with super computing powers, there can be a scenario when 'complete automation' under tested automation will be possible. How long it will take, is still a question.

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