Member • Dec 10, 2011
Making A Hyperterminal Calculator By Interfacing With Hcs12e128
i have wrote a code for the interfacing between the two, but i am stuck when coming to the calculator's part. here is the code i wrote so far - which was tested-
i need help in writing the rest... thanks
#include/* common defines and macros */ #include /* derivative information */ #pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "SampleS12" void periphlnit(void){ SCI1BDH=0x00; SCI1BDL=0x34; //sets SCI baud rate to 9600,N,8,1 SCI1CR2=0x08; } void Write(const char*text){ while(*text !='\0'){ while(!(SCI1SR1 & 0x80)) ; SCI1DRL=*text++; } } void delay(int); void delay(int n){ while(n>0)n--; } void main(void){ periphlnit(); EnableInterrupts; for(;{ Write ("Tested on Micro lab\n\r"); delay(32000); }