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  • Koushal Patel

    MemberJan 28, 2015

    Apologies, but I am unaware of the term MS. It is Master in Science?

    In my state, the degree for Masters in Engineering is called M.Tech.! Please confirm!

    1)What kind of jobs does one get on completeing MS?
    Making it generic, since this is something related to computer science, following opputunities will be awaiting you.
    Click below link
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Scope after M.Tech in Computer Science Engineering</a>
    2.)As I am changing fields is it easy to study computer science with hardly any knoweledge beforehand?
    Yes, it is possible. It is my personal experience. I come from a core engineering clan, but I am working in IT sector. And I am sure, if you are switching of your own, you will pitch in extra efforts if required to fill the competency gap.

    Let us hear in case you face any issue.

    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • hemadc19

    MemberJan 29, 2015

    Koushal Patel
    Apologies, but I am unaware of the term MS. It is Master in Science?

    In my state, the degree for Masters in Engineering is called M.Tech.! Please confirm!

    Making it generic, since this is something related to computer science, following opputunities will be awaiting you.
    Click below link
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Scope after M.Tech in Computer Science Engineering</a>

    Yes, it is possible. It is my personal experience. I come from a core engineering clan, but I am working in IT sector. And I am sure, if you are switching of your own, you will pitch in extra efforts if required to fill the competency gap.

    Let us hear in case you face any issue.

    MS is Masters in the USA ,Germany ,UK.
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
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