  • Abhijit Dey submitted a new project:

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Log your life. Connect with friends. Follow your passion... Like never before...

    #-Link-Snipped-# is for those, who have lost confidence in Facebook due to its absurd privacy policies, enjoy the openness of twitter but feel restricted at the same time due to its puny character limits, are passionate about something and want to follow every bit of news about it, and want an amazing solution for logging and preserving the special moments in their lives and sharing it with their close friends, or the world at large.

    LyfeLog redefines how you connect and...
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberMar 5, 2014

    As a user..
    I downloaded this app and in last stage of registration it asked for subscription, (Not Free!, Am I right here?)
    It asked to access my Facebook profile (Friend list, your likes and your friends like 😨, allowed it).
    After that When I connected to facebook, I saw a absurd post on my Facebook wall.
    Anoop Kumar using LyfeLog app with friend xyz and 23 others,
    which means it tagged all those friends in my post, isn't this privacy violation.And I also know that none of my friend is using this app so far.

    These above two things made me uninstall the app the very next moment. Yes, I am being rude here but this review is as user and I haven't review this app on play store.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 5, 2014

    Looks like the app needs some more testing.
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