  • Hi CEans,

    Been a while since I posted here. I'm currently working on LoRaWAN (a LPWAN technology) in Malaysia. Did a quick search on CE and a bit surprised there was no search results on LoRa or any other LPWAN technologies here like Sigfox and NB-IoT. Or maybe the search function is broken! 😁

    LPWAN is basically the catalyst in enabling wide area coverage of IoT sensor connectivity at a low cost. For example, few thousand sensors placed around an agriculture farm can be connected to a single LoRa gateway with a radius of up to 10-15 km. Each sensor can last on batteries for several years, sending data 24/7 every few minutes because the wireless power requirements are minimal. Using 3G is too costly (both financially and battery wise), and WiFi is too short of a range.

    Anyway, I hope that there are CEans here who are interested to discuss about LPWAN here, any interesting ideas that we can come up with, etc. There is one project in Singapore that uses Sigfox for rodent management to capture rat movements, another using LoRa for citywide bicycle tracking, and also a LoRa based air pollution monitoring system.

    Lets get on with the crazy ideas, CEans!
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberJan 18, 2018

    I have tried HopeRF LoRa modules cheapest one available long back but I still believe it has range issues as well as I am not sure even Microchip LoRa modules are very good in range prospective.
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberJan 18, 2018

    Can you add details what types of communication can be done on low LPWAN. let say if device is used for one year battery.
    What will be setup and and cost for it?
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