Lovely Professional University For B.Tech Courses - Feedback?

Our new member #-Link-Snipped-# asked in CE Conference whether Lovely Professional University is good for admission to B.Tech course.

If anyone's got feedback for our new friend, please answer in this thread. The LPU is high on advertising in the media and television; so I'm sure lot of engineering aspirants would be interested in knowing the feedback.


  • Manish Goyal
    Manish Goyal
    It is located in jalandhar,PUNJAB.Many of my friends are studying there and they all are pursuing B tech in cse.

    I would like to give you their feedback..
    If you talk about facilities they provide ,then My friend no university in punjab will provide you that much as LPU can provide you.

    But if you ask about study then most of teachers there are B tech pass-out with experience of 2 years.I hope with this you got a brief idea .

    Overall it is a nice university as far as campus is concerned, but here in Punjab we generally say "If any one don't get admission in any place .then he can easily get in LPU"
  • piyushgupta
    LPU is growing on such a fast speed that no university in India is growing at such pace.

    earlier admission in Lpu was from PTU-CET but now situation has changed.
    now admission takes place through AIEEE.

    LPU also hire most experienced retired faculty of various IIT's and foreign universities.

    and within 2-3 years it is in 10 top universities in INDIA
  • manishks
    thank you friends!
  • Gurjeet Singh
    Gurjeet Singh
    one of my friend from IIT roorkee pased out is lecturer there.its fine university as growing rapidly 😀

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