  • hinduja.prasad

    MemberFeb 7, 2009

    line following robot

    i am a newbee........ kindly put up with my doubts........😒
    which is best suggested for line folowers?
    a) AVR CORE OR 8051 CORE?
    i bielieve 8051 does not have pwm feature to change the speed of d.c motors........ if i use a 8051 core can i create a pwm feature using a 555 timer if so how plz explain the details........
    does 8051 core have ISP system in it.........
    i also heard dat programming avr is much difficult than 8051 is it true???????
    plzzzzz reply soon...........
    and also send post some gud links to ATMEGA 16 data sheets.........
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