  • satanas

    MemberMar 5, 2010

    lift mechanism

    Hi guys,

    i have a platform a distance above another one.. the upper platform is on wheels which are in contact with ground and i supporting all the weight. the second one also has wheels but is above ground level. what mechanism can i use such that when it is actuated, the lower platform moves down in contact with ground, withstand the whole weight while the upper platform moves up, now being above ground level..

    i have this idea: a rod with a sort of cam mechanism. when it rotates it pushes the upper platform up and lowers the other platform..

    any other simpler ideas.. actuators are too expensive and i can't find an electric power jack..

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  • choondu

    MemberMar 7, 2010

    how about hydraulic jacks ? or use simple scissor lift mechanism.
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  • nick_cardoza

    MemberMar 8, 2010

    simple pulley system wouldnt work?
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