LG Q Voice Is The English Version Of The Voice Assistant App

The voice-recognition feature is fast becoming popular. Last month we told you about #-Link-Snipped-#, when it hit Korea giving competition to Siri and S Voice. While, only a few days back did we hear about RIM’s Blackberry 10 to have its own #-Link-Snipped-#. And now a restyled, English language version of the app now called 'LG Q Voice' is set to be made available by the first half of 2013. There are a couple of substantial enhancements. The company claims that Q Voice uses “reasoning with a probabilistic model to find the best answer”, so you will find that it will not solely rely on a database and will give some thought to the context of a question.


Apart from this, it also boasts of a feature that can recognize a single female voice in a noisy room full of men and have the ability adjust Bluetooth settings, sound and vibration by speech. Q Voice may also respond with "witty emotional responses" says LG team so you never get bored.



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