  • hey friends,
    as i am already discussed on this topic so i am starting this thread just for development in skills
    i have seen many of my friends lagging in soft skills and many other interview skills let us help other CEans not to have such problems
    so i request you friends to post anything you know or learnt anything about skills lets share here in this post
    many are loosing jobs due to lack of skills and unfortunately many don't know how to apply there theory in practice let us share them in this thread too
    actually i got this idea after going to training conducting by my college placement cell
    i hope it will be success and all our CEans don't lack on skills
    anyway coming to applying knowledge i had seen a quote in training as
    "Indian students are druken theory but lag on practical "
    let us make it false
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  • narayana murthy

    MemberMay 8, 2011

    hmmmmm here i am going with GD
    as i am much interested on GD's and interviews
    i am going to share on GD
    let me share it with which i learn in my english lab
    many are getting trouble with it
    now topic is if we don't know anything about a given topic then how to face such a situation as this is already given in a post started by freak
    lets see and imagine
    now it is also called a skill of gathering matter from friends in no time
    i known it in my first lab
    i was called in jam session first time i spoken nothing except introducing myself my faculty interested by my introduction and given some time to prepare
    but it doesn't happen in GD so lets think of it
    this is about if we only the person who know nothing about topic if not we can change topic by asking our GD coordinator i think so if i am wrong correct me
    in case we only person then listen and understand in calm with them and understand what related matter you know and see for break points and take your turn and as our faculty said that GD coordinator don't see what you speak but how you are speaking and what are skills are having so don't worry about it but be concern that you are in topic and take care on your English you are speaking
    this is all i leaned on this topic i will give more posts in this thread regarding GD and other skills
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorMay 8, 2011

    @Narayana: Good initiative. Which skills precisely are we going to talk about in this thread? Please elaborate.
    When we talk of skills required in job, there are many different types. Team work, communication skills, technical skills, ability to work under pressure are only a few to name. We can deal with each of them in separate threads if CEans agree.
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    MemberMay 8, 2011

    Hello Narayana, If you are talking about let us say machine design, then a very good initiative is taken by our friend Ammar Aziz. He has posted two drawings, to draw. I am drawing the second one now. Though by CATIA. 😀

    The spectacle was very easy.

    Or are you speaking about Soft skills like talking in English etc? 😒
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  • narayana murthy

    MemberMay 9, 2011

    @akd and ishu: i am saying about both technical and soft skills with having practical knowledge on subjects
    lets see this question is asked by my interview trainer
    we know definitions of electricity,current and power but he asked about how they differ in practical so i am confused in question and remained as a spectator so he said that this is happening in many students they know all theory and they are too bad in practical so i am thinking both will be discussed in this thread because they both are required for jobs
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberMay 9, 2011

    Lets keep in this way... We will list out all the Technical Skills, Soft Skills, and Managerial Skills... What say?
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  • narayana murthy

    MemberMay 9, 2011

    Lets keep in this way... We will list out all the Technical Skills, Soft Skills, and Managerial Skills... What say?
    well................ thats we need we can share all of it here so new one can know them
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberMay 9, 2011

    Oki, stop the discussion... Start the share! 😛

    Technical Skills:
    Web Development, Software Development, Designing & Animation...

    Soft Skills:
    Can become friends easily, polite and respectful...

    Managerial Skills:
    Able to Manage my projects, and speak with the clients to get things done in the right way and in right time...
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  • narayana murthy

    MemberMay 11, 2011

    now i am giving how to write resume and its pattern learned in my training
    email id​
    phone number ​
    carrier objective :lets deal with it take care that your carrier objective is between 1-3 sentences and it should cover all about your internship and at which place you wanted to give your resume
    skills may be technical skills
    Technical skills : be care with it give the skills which you are really having if not atleast learn them before going interview
    Projects: here we give about projects which we done in our engineering make it brief and use your talent to make it as a good project and your contribution to it
    activities: may be co curricular or any other activities other than your subject
    achievements: give your achievements here may be any but be care that is your recent achievements
    personal details: this contain your address, D.O.B, gender etc..........,

    please note this is give for new one who are asking for resumes and if i had an errors please post them
    and i too have a doubt can we mention our hobbies and interests in resume
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  • narayana murthy

    MemberMay 11, 2011

    now i am going with our technical skills these can't be learn in one day or even one year
    this is done by only thinking in deep about our subject
    lets see we go with many concepts like power, energy, losses and many power related topics and we even learn many things in our studies as i am electrical student i am given these any other group people can take there own
    but i request please read them according to practical may be it may take some time but effective and don't read for exams sake if we do so we will be back always because we loose interest and knowledge too
    if we read on this pattern we can get interest on subject and we can know many things useful for life this also make us to answer for interview question in easy way

    friends i think by these three posts all CEans can know why i have started this thread if any one have doubts regarding these they can feel free to ask
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    MemberMay 11, 2011

    For this thread NM I give you +100 points. 😀

    Good points brother. 😀
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  • narayana murthy

    MemberMay 11, 2011

    For this thread NM I give you +100 points. 😀

    Good points brother. 😀
    thanks bro but as i am not interested on articles what can i contribute to CE so i have taken this choice
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberMay 14, 2011

    Posted Something Here... 😀 #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • aashima

    MemberMay 14, 2011

    narayana murthy
    please note this is give for new one who are asking for resumes and if i had an errors please post them
    and i too have a doubt can we mention our hobbies and interests in resume
    Hi Narayna,

    Definitely you can add hobbies and interests in your resume in fact you should add them. It reflects the outlook of a person in general. But with that you need to be bit cautious about certain things:
    • Try and make the list precise and true. With true I mean whatever you mention should not be fake.
    • Understand the difference between Hobbies and interests. With Interests, the other person expects that you have little knowledge of the topic while when it comes to hobby, it is assumed that you know have in-depth knowledge.
    • Be ready for cross questioning on your hobbies and interests. For e.g. if you mention Cars as your hobby, you will be expected to know the mileage, internal functioning and perhaps energy emissions of your (favorite) car. 😀

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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberJun 13, 2011

    Oki, stop the discussion... Start the share! 😛

    Technical Skills:
    Web Development, Software Development, Designing & Animation...

    Soft Skills:
    Can become friends easily, polite and respectful...

    Managerial Skills:
    Able to Manage my projects, and speak with the clients to get things done in the right way and in right time...
    Updated my skills, thanks to NM! 😀
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