  • CEans,

    Mr. Burt Rutan – the legendary designer of Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo, SpaceShipOne, Voyager and many more crafts has agreed to answer your questions on CrazyEngineers!

    It all started with Leonardo Da Vinci when he designed the first prototype of Helicopter. Then centuries later, Orville & Wilbur Wright took the next step in aviation with their first flying machine. Man began flying and so did his imagination. The 20[sup]th[/sup] century saw the man conquering the moon. Now, in the 21[sup]st[/sup] century, we want something more!

    Ever dreamed of orbiting around the Earth and experiencing the lower values of the ‘g’? Well, I bet you did! Modern engineers have come forward to turn your childhood dreams into reality. Legendary aircraft/spacecraft designer Burt Rutan is the man you should rely on. Famous for designing light, strong, unusual-looking, energy-efficient aircrafts; Mr. Rutan continues to change the world with his spacecrafts – SpaceShipOne & SpaceShipTwo!

    Check out following YouTube Animation of SpaceShipTwo in which Burt Rutan and Sir Richard Branson talk about the project–

    SpaceShipTwo - YouTube

    We are extremely proud to have Burt Rutan to answer your queries on CrazyEngineers! So tighten your seat belts and get ready to take the flight in space with the one and only – Burt Rutan.

    We will collect questions for Mr. Rutan till 28[sup]th[/sup] February, 2008. Post your questions in this thread.


    Burt Rutan @ TED
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  • just2rock

    MemberFeb 23, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Sir, thanks in advance for answering an Electronic System Engineer,R&D.

    Will the future 2020 will let us see high end FLYING CAR which will eradicate Bulky expensive todays helicoptor with those making a SUPER highway in the skies in the near future, that Engineer Paul Moller , Moller International and his project team is currently looking forward to.Sir i want to know from you that how and when will such technology be nicely priced to cater needs of middle class society or will it be heavily priced in future...and also it will be very kind of you if you can discuss a bit on the TECHNOLOGY related to "FLYING cars"...

    Yours ,
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 23, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Hurry up everyone! We'll collect the questions till 28[sup]th[/sup] February.

    Here's wikipedia link for more information about Mr. Burt Rutan:-

    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Burt Rutan - Wikipedia</a>

    Rutan's Voyager @ NASM -


    The SpaceShipOne -

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  • ankitbahri

    MemberFeb 23, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    greetings sir,
    my question is related to a SINGLE CYLINDER WATER COOLED DIESEL ENGINE. is it possible, sir, to attach a turbocharger to the diesel engine? will the exhaust have enough energy to impart continous motion to the turbine in the turbo? will the power get affected?

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 24, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    So far, I've received few questions in email and two here. I guess the response is poor. Probably, because many of us don't know about (or worse, are not interested in) the Virgin Galactic's Space Travel project for common man.

    Have you guys checked the YouTube video [check my post above] ? I recommend that you watch it.

    I bet you'll have lots of questions for Mr. Rutan. I'd like to point out that this is one of the rare opportunities that we all have to know from the legend himself.

    [ps: If we continue to get such a poor response, we'll have to halt this activity for our future small talks]
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberFeb 24, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Greetings Sir,

    Many thanks for taking out time for us and answering the questions. Please find my questions below-

    1. Spaceship Two uses the coveted 'feathered reentry system.' How different is it from other atmospheric reentries. What are the advantages?

    2. Lot of things have been said about the safety of the space shuttles, especially after the Columbia debacle. What are the safety measures taken in the Spaceship Two? How do you compare it with other Aircrafts?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • l0rd

    MemberFeb 25, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Sir congratulations for your great achievement & donation to mankind.

    Whose been the inspiration for you??

    Sir i would like to know about
    1.) "This vehicle is designed to go into the atmosphere in the worst case straight in or upside down and it'll correct."

    2.) Also the wings are designed to to move in 90 deg direction, feature mechanism (up and back). So (according to me ) this applies that wings may have very minute gap between joints,while re-entering can this gap prove fatal to high temperature?

    3.) Are there any special medic services for newbies (passengers) who r not prone to high changes in 'g' .

    4.) Is there any emergency exit in harsh situations?

    sorry sir if i m too foolish.
    thanking you,
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 25, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    😀 Good going.

    Please note that no question is stupid. So ask whatever you want to know. Just make sure that you ask something related to Mr. Rutan's work.

    Waiting for more questions! Keep them coming!
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  • becool

    MemberFeb 26, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Hello sir...First of all its a great pleasure and honour to be able to interact with you..Sir,i would like to ask you a couple of questions..
    1) Who designs the complete architecture of such spaceships considering that it is actually a commercial sort of aircraft and not "mission on moon" sorts?And what all goes into creating such a marvel?

    2) How will a common person of any country be able to experience your marvel?
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberFeb 26, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio


    1. Sir, I watched the documentary "Black Sky: The Race For Space". In that you said something I will never forget, "Research should be defined as doing something where half of the people think its impossible and the other half who think, hmm, maybe it will work" and " ... so a true creative researcher has to have confidence in Nonsense! " . For most of my engineering days I have lived off this thought, but its not easy. Can you tell us, how do you overcome the negativity, destructive criticism, and de-motivation you would receive throughout and still move on and finish the projects?

    2. Sir, How is it that your company is able to secure good funding to build so many wonderful projects?


    For the interested watch this awesome discovery documentary "Black Space" <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">- YouTube</a>

    He truly is a crazy engineer! He says it himself 😀

    How many of you knew that he and his company was the FIRST EVER PRIVATE VENTURE INTO SPACE. This has been done by only 3 other powerful governments and just 2 aircrafts before them, the space craft (discovery/colubus etc and all other missions by NASA) and one fighter jet! In the above documentary it is shown how they with just millions (not billions that go into gov funded projects) they made an aircraft which can carry a person into space.
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  • mansouryar

    MemberFeb 26, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    First I thank admin for informing me of such a great possibility to contact to Burt Rutan. Now, my question is:
    Hi Mr. Rutan; I have a theory on traversable wormholes for faster than light travels. I plan to realize it via private sector at Iran, but there are many unpleasant legal involvements for doing that with the government and the military. I mean I cannot act as freely as I like. Do you have any advice for me to act as independently as possible?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 27, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio


    For the interested watch this awesome discovery documentary "Black Space" <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">- YouTube</a>

    He truly is a crazy engineer! He says it himself 😀
    ...and that supports my belief (since childhood) that Crazy Engineers have the ability to make a difference!

    One more day to go, friends! We'll not accept questions after 28[sup]th[/sup] February, 2008.
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  • l0rd

    MemberFeb 27, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Hello Sir,
    I had 1 more interesting question to ask.

    Sir recently I came across very impressive and interesting topic 'ANTIMATTER' . Sir in many fiction novels and movies ANTIMATTER is shown as a huge source of energy in future.

    Sir we would like to know how will this energy (if possible) utilized in future? Is it possible for space traveling?
    Also will it be economically implemented successfully?

    Though CERN has developed its will it be used by private aided companies(like your company?).

    What is your View overall on 'ANTIMATTER'.

    Thanking You,
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberFeb 27, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Biggie i think you have already read about Mr. Rutan. His related work and what he does. And the Q's you will select will be related to his work and/or a bit related to the procedures of doing projects.

    Just thought of asking this after reading the Q's here. Some are not related to his work at all.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 27, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Biggie i think you have already read about Mr. Rutan. His related work and what he does. And the Q's you will select will be related to his work and/or a bit related to the procedures of doing projects.

    Just thought of asking this after reading the Q's here. Some are not related to his work at all.
    Unfortunately, people haven't read about Mr. Rutan's work. That's why most of the questions we've gotten so far aren't very related to his work. We'll of course filter out the questions before preparing the final questionnaire.

    I was expecting lots of interesting questions from CEans. But I'm disappointed.
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  • mahul

    MemberFeb 27, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    I hope my q is still within time,

    1.I would like to ask how long can an aircraft(Those commercial ones designed by Mr. Rutan) going into space last before it would become essential to discard it and what implications would that have on the costs people would need to bear to get to outer space.

    2. with subsequent modifications and research, how far does Mr. Rutan think that his designs could lead mankind to? More explicitly, would Mr. Rutan's aircrafts some day lead men to distances as far as the moon or other planets??

    3.What is the target number of customers Mr.Rutan is planning to take to outer space every year??
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 27, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Very good, Mahul! Yes, you are well within time. We've about 12 hours to go before we stop collecting questions.

    I'll post here as soon as this activity is over.
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  • madanmohan

    MemberFeb 27, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Sir,I am a starter in using Microcontroller in Autonomous Robots specially ATmega8 or ATmega16.I have read the manuals of these microcontrollers.Please suggest me whether I am doing right in using these microcontrollers.I am currently busy in making an autonomous robot for robot war.I am getting stuck in doing the programming for the Microcontroller and then I am leading to nowhere.Please help meeeeeeee.
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  • madanmohan

    MemberFeb 27, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Sir,Can you suggest a better mechanism how to completely destroy opponent in a simple arena.
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberFeb 27, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Oh my god!
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 27, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Guys! Guys! Guys!

    Now, I won't be surprised to see questions like "Sir, my GF cheated on me. What should I do?" or "Sir, what's for the dinner tonight?"


    I guess from next time, I'll keep this activity confined to a set of chosen CEans.
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  • mahul

    MemberFeb 27, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    But that way u might be putting off prospective "deserving" ceans who might have wanted to join 'cause they were interested in interacting with the concerned guest. Now with that opportunity restricted they might not join at all.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 27, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    But that way u might be putting off prospective "deserving" ceans who might have wanted to join 'cause they were interested in interacting with the concerned guest. Now with that opportunity restricted they might not join at all.
    I don't think so. The 'deserving' CEans will always get a chance in the 'next' interview. When a CEan spends some time on CE, its easy to decide whether to include him/her in the list or not.

    Anyway, this is not a final decision yet. Let's think about it later. We don't have any immediate initiative lined up.
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  • smack_russel

    MemberFeb 28, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    sir it's my dream to design planes ,aircrafts and cars .I am studying b-tech in mechanical engineering,please help me how can i fulfill my dream?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 28, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio


    Thank you everyone for your questions. We'll now collect the questions and prepare a questionnaire. Please note that we'll be picking relevant questions only.

    If you missed this opportunity, don't worry 😀 . Watch out for our next announcement.
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberFeb 28, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    lol, dont forget to ask the most important Q!

    "Sir, what's for the dinner tonight?"
    I mean how can we comeple.....OHMYGOD! Dude, biggie, you just gave me the best idea for our interviews to be different!

    lol, ask all the proper Q's initially, and in the end ask one so out of the bat Q that it feels as if we are talking to them face to face, ask it seriously!

    like the 16th Q (for example) will be: Sir, what are you having for dinner tonight?

    Ok, maybe not try it with Mr. Rietman, but any future interviews if possible. Thats how they will know we ARE crazy engineers. 😀 lol, just thinking, not sure if we shud do that
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 1, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    lol, dont forget to ask the most important Q!

    I mean how can we comeple.....OHMYGOD! Dude, biggie, you just gave me the best idea for our interviews to be different!

    lol, ask all the proper Q's initially, and in the end ask one so out of the bat Q that it feels as if we are talking to them face to face, ask it seriously!

    like the 16th Q (for example) will be: Sir, what are you having for dinner tonight?

    Ok, maybe not try it with Mr. Rietman, but any future interviews if possible. Thats how they will know we ARE crazy engineers. 😀 lol, just thinking, not sure if we shud do that
    Well, I remember, in one of our previous interviews, I had actually included that question! But it was not answered. Not sure if it looks good. We should keep in mind that these big people are doing us a favor by sparing their time for us.

    [Unrelated note] : We'll be completely changing the type of questions we ask in our 'Know your CEan' activity. Those who have been contacted, be ready to face some tough ( 😲 , :hehehe: ) questions!
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberMar 1, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Wow, you have tried something similar. And yes its true we should know who we are talking to before posting such a Q 😀

    As for the know your CE'ien, all I can say is Bring It On!
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberMar 4, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Biggie, please if possible try putting in one more important Q!

    What are his thoughts about the Google X Prize? Are they planning to take part and if not then why???

    They have the funds and the expertise! Biggie, if this Q is late, you understand, try sending this in the other email. In a thankyou email if possible. You will find a way to ask this 😀
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  • mahul

    MemberMar 4, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Yeah even i'm more than interested in this q.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 4, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Yeah even i'm more than interested in this q.

    We're little too late 😔 .

    This time, because of the nature of questions that we received; only relevant questions from those asked by CEans were included in the questionnaire. We had to include many questions that are related to Mr. Rutan's work and are of general interest (we have avoided technical questions).

    It will take us some time to take the interview live on CE's front page.
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  • mahul

    MemberMar 4, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    That's a pity
    we should have read about the google x prize earlier.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberMar 4, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Can't wait to see this interview! I love aerospace related stuff.. Had looked at Aerospace engineering as an option, but the prospects in Malaysia arent too good yet.

    Anyone from Indonesia here? I believe their government has a research policy regarding aeronautical industries.. maybe we could have more space enterprises in the private sector in the future?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 5, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Lots of Indonesians here on CE (AFAIK). However we'll need some time to have active contributors from Indonesia.

    We all will have to wait for the interview. At least few weeks.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 8, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Lots of Indonesians here on CE (AFAIK). However we'll need some time to have active contributors from Indonesia.

    We all will have to wait for the interview. At least few weeks.

    I'm pleased to announce that Mr. Rutan has replied to our questionnaire 😁! However, we all will have to wait to see the interview live on CE's front page.

    [Probable Date: 1st April, 2007]
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberMar 9, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    1st April? So late, are you making us a fool? like in aprils fool?

    lol, why so late?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 9, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    1st April? So late, are you making us a fool? like in aprils fool?

    lol, why so late?

    :hehehe: Mea Culpa.

    The interview will go live on 1st of April because we publish new small talk on first of every month. I didn't even think about the 'fools day'. Of course, you'll see the interview on 1st of April 😉
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberMar 9, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Great work.. we are all looking forward to his responses 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 1, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio


    Small Talk with Burt Rutan is now live on CE's front page - <a href="">CrazyEngineers</a> !

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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberApr 2, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Nice interview! Great work, Biggie
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberApr 3, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    wow, wo got burt at last!! 😀

    Read the interview, but found it very .... i dont know, very concise, and precise.

    Overall, it was great!
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberApr 3, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Read the interview, but found it very .... i dont know, very concise, and precise.
    I believe thats a typical engineer characteristic, bro 😉
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  • abdulghany

    MemberApr 20, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    hai I want know that in what way instrumentation is use full to aircraft. and what kind of project can be done in instrumentation dealing with aircraft.
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  • driimzz

    MemberNov 28, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    hello sir i would like to know somethi in mindin the constuction of a controllable lighter than air plane...
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 28, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    Before you post, check the age of the thread. We already published our Small Talk with Mr. Rutan few months ago. Look here :- #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberNov 28, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    well i want to ask,is it really possible for any space-craft to fly more than speed of light????
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 29, 2008

    Re: Legendary Aircraft Designer - Burt Rutan on CrazyEngineers to answer your questio

    well i want to ask,is it really possible for any space-craft to fly more than speed of light????
    Did you read my previous post in this thread? 😕 Go through our Small Talk Section. We have published the Small Talk with Mr. Burt Rutan few months ago!
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