  • yuuki

    MemberSep 22, 2012

    LED sequence

    good afternoon sir's...hmm.... working on for edge lit sign...we created a circuit using a IC4017 and 555 timer and 30 our whereabouts were, how we gonna have a 3 sequence out from it possible??imagine the sequence of christmas light...have we used a correct ic or not??please...need your help...
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberSep 22, 2012

    Connect the LED's in order say 1 to 10 in the ops 1 to in linear order
    then the next 11-20 in ops 1 -10 like this cascade more LEDS

    if you want you can also go for grouping the ops into 3 and putting your LED in the sequence
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberSep 24, 2012

    You can even programme the sequence
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