  • Hi friends here in this post I will post some theories related to Entrepreneurship from my grade 12 book.

    what is Entrepreneurship ?

    Different people define Entrepreneurship differently as per activities performed by them or based on their thinking.

    Entrepreneurship is process of setting up one's own business as distinct from pursuing any other economic activity, be it employment or practising some profession .
    See the word Distinct it is in bold because what we engineers try to do is again distinct.

    The person who setup business is called as entrepreneur .
    The output process of entrepreneurship is Business unit and is called as Enterprise.

    I have heard many times from biggie that entrepreneurship is process of creation of job infect is true . Beside providing self-employment to entrepreneur it also create expansion of opportunities for other two economic activities that is employment and profession .

    No society can wait for the chance of 'birth' of entrepreneurs to pursue its developmental plans .In fact , plans for economic development would bear little fruit unless entrepreneurship development is regarded as a deliberate process of making people aware of entrepreneurship as career at an early age and creating situations where they may actually make a choice to become entrepreneur .

    When one make choice of becoming entrepreneur he become job provider rather then job-seeker, beside enjoying a host of other financial and psychological rewards. Taking to entrepreneurship is surely more a matter of aspiring to become an entrepreneur rather as being born as one. 😀

    ( This was introduction . Feel free to correct me is I am wrong , I have adopted this from my grade 12 business studies book).😎
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  • ambastha

    MemberMay 24, 2010

    One should read 'Art of Start' by Guy Kawasaki 😀
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  • safwan

    MemberMay 29, 2010

    oh!! It seems I forgot to update this thread at all !! no problem I will do it in India.

    @ ambastha if its worthy then I will read it for sure .
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