  • flowers

    MemberJan 16, 2008

    lazy crazy engineer

    only i want to say that the viewer in the forums have to be more active and replay the subjects needed.
    the discussions between engineers be useful if more members shared in.😀
    thanks alot
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 16, 2008

    Hi Flowers,

    I agree that we do not have lot of activity on CE, but things are changing now 😀 . Let's hope that we'll start getting active contributors.

    [Moving the thread to CE Introductions section]
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  • mahul

    MemberJan 16, 2008

    yeah maybe we will have more activity as the site catches up. and it is catching up real fast, i can tell u. when i joined just a couple of months back, there was far less posting, hope we would soon be a very active set of people
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 16, 2008

    yeah maybe we will have more activity as the site catches up. and it is catching up real fast, i can tell u. when i joined just a couple of months back, there was far less posting, hope we would soon be a very active set of people
    There you are! We're growing & as a result, there's a growth in activity on the forums. We'll soon start hosting online competitions for CEans around the world with exciting prizes 😁

    Of course, we plan to have offline meet in next 2-3 months. All these activities will help us get more traffic, activity.
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  • mahul

    MemberJan 17, 2008

    That be real cool. I am looking forward to it. Actually i can't wait to participate. And pls include a gaming contest section. I think crazy engineers would love playing games against each other.
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