  • All good things must come to an end. If it’s your last working day at your company; you need to make it a special one.

    Following is a curated collection of last working day email templates and examples that you can copy and paste to your team members, coworkers, colleagues and even to your manager and bosses after your resignation on final working day at office.

    Since everyone has their own style of writing emails, we have divided the collection into multiple categories.


    Scroll down for the following email templates-

    • Creative last working day email (5 examples)

    • Funny Goodbye email (6 examples)

    • Short and Simple LWD email (9 examples)

    • Emotional sign-off email (6 examples)

    • LWD email to your manager (5 examples)

    • Sarcastic, yet funny emails (3 examples)

    Creative Last Working Day Email Templates

    Subject: Celebrating a New Chapter

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    I hope this email finds you well. As we move swiftly through the rhythm of our day-to-day tasks, it's sometimes easy to forget to pause, reflect, and appreciate the journey we're on. Today, I'm doing just that because it is my last working day here at [Company's Name].

    I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for all the shared moments, encouragement, and professional growth that I've experienced during my tenure. Working with you has been an absolute pleasure, filled with meaningful interactions, laughter, and collective problem-solving.

    While my new adventure is waiting just around the corner, I'm certainly going to miss the camaraderie and collaboration we've shared. Please feel free to keep in touch. My personal email is [Your Email], and I would love to hear about your successes, challenges, and the inevitable humorous office anecdotes.

    Thank you once again for making my time at [Company's Name] a truly enriching experience. Here's to our paths crossing again in the future!

    Wishing you all the very best, [Your Name]

    Subject: The Final Curtain Call at [Company's Name]

    Hello [Recipient's Name],

    As the great philosopher Winnie the Pooh once said, "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." Today marks my last day at [Company's Name] and while it's a bittersweet moment, I feel incredibly fortunate to have worked alongside you.

    Our time spent navigating the often choppy waters of our projects, the enlightening discussions, and the camaraderie that we've shared, have not only enriched my professional experience but have also made a profound impact on a personal level.

    Remember, while I may be leaving the physical boundaries of [Company's Name], I am merely a phone call, text, or email away. Please don't hesitate to reach me at [Your Email]. After all, the world is a small place, and who knows when our professional orbits might intersect again?

    Thank you for everything, and remember to keep shining brightly.

    Warm Regards, [Your Name]

    Subject: Turning the Page: My Last Day at [Company's Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    As I sit to write this email, I am filled with a mixture of emotions. Today marks my final day at [Company's Name]. An end, yes, but also the beginning of a new chapter that life has opened for me.

    During my time here, I've had the privilege to work and grow alongside each one of you, something I'll always hold close to my heart. The memories we've crafted, the challenges we've conquered, and the victories we've celebrated together have left an indelible imprint on my professional journey.

    Though I am excited about the new opportunities that await me, I am equally nostalgic about leaving this vibrant team and the inspiring work culture we've built together.

    Remember, my departure from [Company's Name] doesn't mean our paths will not cross again. I am more than happy to stay connected. Feel free to reach me at [Your Email]. Here's to future coffee catch-ups, networking opportunities, and shared successes.

    Thank you for all the support and the unforgettable journey.

    Yours, [Your Name]

    Subject: Signing Off from [Company's Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    As the sun sets on my final day at [Company's Name], I find myself reflecting on the journey we've shared together. In the maze of meetings, deadlines, and team lunches, we have woven a tapestry of memories that I will always treasure.

    Working with you has been a journey of constant learning, professional growth, and shared victories. Your unwavering support, camaraderie, and at times, your patience, have been invaluable to me.

    As I step into the next phase of my career, I will carry forward the spirit of innovation, creativity, and resilience that [Company's Name] embodies. While we may no longer share the same office space, I would love to keep the lines of communication open. My email [Your Email] is always open for any assistance you might need or just a friendly chat.

    Thank you for making my journey at [Company's Name] not just a stepping stone in my career, but a phase of life that I'll look back on fondly.

    Best wishes, [Your Name]

    Subject: An Unforgettable Chapter Ends at [Company's Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. As I pen this message, it brings a bittersweet feeling – today marks my last day at [Company's Name].

    It's a day of reflection and gratitude, as I look back at all the incredible experiences I've had here. From our team's triumphs to the learning curves, from the brainstorming sessions to the shared cups of coffee, every moment has added a unique color to the canvas of my professional life.

    Your support and camaraderie have been integral to this journey. Our paths converged in this professional maze, creating an environment that fostered growth, creativity, and a lot of fun! I can't thank you enough for these shared moments.

    As I move forward, I would love to stay in touch. Please feel free to reach out at [Your Email] anytime. Let's keep our bonds alive, for the world is a tiny place and you never know where and when we might cross paths again.

    Thank you once again for making my time at [Company's Name] a truly enriching journey.

    With warm regards, [Your Name]

    Funny Goodbye Emails on Last Working Day

    Why not add some humor to your LWD email and spread smile in the office on your final working day? Some humor is good. Feel free to pick any of the following templates and personalise it.

    Subject: Adopting a New Habit: Life After [Company's Name]

    Hello [Recipient's Name],

    As I say goodbye to my coffee-fueled late-night assignments, and hello to a (hopefully) more balanced sleep schedule, I wanted to drop you a note on my last day at [Company's Name].

    From deciphering cryptic client emails to those stealthy snacks we snuck during meetings, you've been a fantastic co-worker and friend. My workdays will certainly be a little less entertaining without you.

    As I venture into new territories, I promise not to forget you when I hit the big time. You're at the top of my list for when I need to show off my newfound work-life balance (or lack thereof). Feel free to connect anytime at [Your Email].

    Keep the office shenanigans going without me!

    Best, [Your Name]

    Subject: New Horizons, Same Lunch Hour

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    I've always believed that change is the only constant. But who knew the change would mean me not tripping over the copier at [Company's Name] anymore?

    Today, as I pack my desk, I realize I'm not just leaving behind my beloved plant but also some priceless memories – from shared project victories to our legendary coffee breaks.

    While I'll miss the camaraderie, I'm also excited to establish a new record for "Most Coffee Consumed in a Day" at my new office. Wish me luck! And don't hesitate to ping me at [Your Email].

    Looking forward to our paths crossing again. Keep the [Company's Name] spirit high!

    Yours in perpetual coffee love, [Your Name]

    Subject: Adios, But Not Farewell!

    Hey [Recipient's Name],

    So, it's finally happening. I'm stepping away from the friendly chaos of [Company's Name] into new, uncharted territories. But don't worry, I promise not to turn into a complete stranger.

    Your partnership in cracking the toughest problems (and snacking through those late-night assignments) will be sorely missed. You've made my time here less about work and more about forging lifelong friendships.

    Remember, the office gossip doesn't have to end here! Reach out anytime at [Your Email]. I’m always up for a chat, a coffee, or a mutual rant about the mysteries of office printers.

    Stay in touch and keep lighting up [Company's Name] with your awesomeness.

    Cheers to the memories, [Your Name]

    Subject: The Office Will Be 10% Less Cool Now

    Hey [Recipient's Name],

    As I bravely step into a world without daily [Company's Name] coffee, I wanted to say a massive thank you for your part in my journey here. From challenging tasks to celebratory tacos, it's been quite a ride.

    Even as I embark on a new adventure, I promise to uphold our tradition of consuming unhealthy amounts of caffeine and sharing memes that only we find funny. Feel free to keep in touch at [Your Email] and send over any good jokes or TikToks you come across.

    Thanks for making my time at [Company's Name] a hilarious and memorable one. Remember, every time a stapler jams, I'll be there in spirit.

    Keep being awesome,

    [Your Name]

    Subject: Don't Forget to Water My Plants!

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    Before you ask, yes, this is that dreaded goodbye email. It's time for me to bid adieu to the hallowed halls of [Company's Name] and embark on a new journey.

    While I am excited about my new venture, I will miss our shared laughter, inside jokes, and those priceless "you-had-to-be-there" moments. I also leave in your care my precious desk plants – don't let them die!

    Should you ever need a laugh, a sounding board, or even just someone to moan about the latest office tech failure with, I'm just an email away. Reach me at [Your Email].

    Until our professional paths cross again, keep making [Company's Name] a fun place to work.

    With the warmest regards and the funniest memories,

    [Your Name]

    Subject: Hitting the Road, But Email's Just a Click Away

    Hey [Recipient's Name],

    I wanted to pen down this dramatic goodbye email to you because today is the day I finally escape the gravitational pull of [Company's Name].

    First off, thank you for being an amazing teammate and an even better snack buddy. We've made some unforgettable memories, fueled equally by ambition and copious amounts of caffeine.

    Remember, you're now obligated to become my outside-world informant. I'll be expecting regular updates on who's microwaving fish in the break room and who's hoarding all the good pens. You can reach me anytime at [Your Email].

    Stay in touch and keep making [Company's Name] an exciting place.

    Farewell, but not goodbye,

    [Your Name]

    Short and Simple Emails for Your Final Working Day

    For those of you who like to keep your emails very short, simple and professional; here are few mail examples you can use-

    Subject: Farewell, Onward to New Adventures!

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    As today marks my last day at [Company's Name], I wanted to extend my gratitude for your support and camaraderie. Keep in touch at [Your Email]. Looking forward to our paths crossing again.

    Best, [Your Name]

    Subject: Signing Off from [Company's Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    Today is my final day at [Company's Name]. It's been an honor working with you. Let's stay connected. You can reach me at [Your Email].

    Best Wishes, [Your Name]

    Subject: Onto the Next Chapter!

    Hi [Recipient's Name],

    I’m closing my chapter at [Company's Name] today. Your friendship and support have meant a lot to me. Feel free to reach out at [Your Email]. Let's keep the professional bond going!

    Take Care, [Your Name]

    Subject: Turning the Page at [Company's Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    It's my last day at [Company's Name]. The journey was better with you by my side. Let's continue the conversation at [Your Email].

    Warm Regards, [Your Name]

    Subject: Closing a Chapter at [Company's Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    As I embark on a new professional journey, I wanted to say thank you for the shared moments. Feel free to reach me at [Your Email].

    Yours, [Your Name]

    Subject: Time to Set Sail from [Company's Name]

    Hello [Recipient's Name],

    Today marks my last day at [Company's Name]. It's been an absolute pleasure working with you. Stay in touch at [Your Email].

    Best Regards, [Your Name]

    Subject: Saying Goodbye to [Company's Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    As I sign off from [Company's Name], I express my gratitude for your camaraderie and support. Keep in touch via [Your Email].

    Warmly, [Your Name]

    Subject: The Last Chapter at [Company's Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    As I wrap up my time at [Company's Name], I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for your support. Stay in touch at [Your Email].

    Best, [Your Name]

    Subject: Farewell to [Company's Name]

    Hello [Recipient's Name],

    Today, I say goodbye to [Company's Name] and thank you for your valuable camaraderie. Let's continue to connect at [Your Email].

    Take Care, [Your Name]

    Emotional Goodbye Emails to Sign-off from Office

    Leaving office can be an emotional affair. Following are few examples of emotional emails that you can send to your colleagues on your last working day.

    Subject: Parting Ways with [Company's Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    It is with a heavy heart that I write this note, as today marks my last day at [Company's Name]. The journey here has been nothing short of a roller-coaster, filled with highs, lows, laughter, learning, and an immeasurable amount of personal and professional growth.

    Working alongside you, witnessing your dedication, and being part of a team that truly values camaraderie has been one of the highlights of my career. Our shared triumphs and challenges will always hold a special place in my heart.

    Though I am excited for what's next, parting from [Company's Name] feels like leaving a part of myself behind. Please do keep in touch. You can always reach me at [Your Email].

    Thank you for making this journey incredibly memorable.

    Warm regards, [Your Name]

    Subject: A Heartfelt Goodbye to [Company's Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    It's often said that all good things must come to an end, and today, as I bid farewell to [Company's Name], I can't help but feel a deep sense of nostalgia and gratitude.

    Working with you has not only been a journey of professional growth but also a journey of forging friendships, shared experiences, and creating unforgettable memories. The knowledge we've exchanged, the support we've lent to each other, and the laughter we've shared are priceless treasures that I will carry with me.

    Leaving [Company's Name] is indeed a poignant moment for me, but as we part ways, I am filled with hope for the future. I'm just an email away at [Your Email] and look forward to staying in touch.

    Thank you for everything. You've made my time at [Company's Name] truly special.

    With sincere gratitude, [Your Name]

    Subject: Bidding Adieu to [Company's Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    As the saying goes, "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." Today, as I say goodbye to [Company's Name], I am overwhelmed with a multitude of emotions.

    The time I've spent here, working with you, tackling obstacles, and celebrating successes, has been more than just a job. It has been a defining chapter in my life. It's not just the skills I've gained and the experience I've accrued that I'll miss, but the people, the spirit of [Company's Name], and the sense of being part of a family.

    Although I am stepping into a new future, I want you to know that the memories and friendships I've made here will always hold a special place in my heart. Please feel free to keep in touch. You can reach me at [Your Email].

    Thank you for being part of my journey. I will miss working with you.

    Fondly, [Your Name]

    Subject: An Emotional Goodbye to [Company's Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    As I type this email, I find myself awash with memories of my journey at [Company's Name]. Today, as I bid farewell, I want you to know that our shared experiences here have shaped me both professionally and personally.

    The joys of our successes, the lessons from our challenges, and the bonds forged amidst the hustle and bustle of the corporate world have carved a special place in my heart. Your guidance, support, and camaraderie have been priceless to me.

    As I embark on my next adventure, I hope we keep the lines of communication open. You can always reach me at [Your Email]. I look forward to hearing from you and to the possibility of our paths crossing again.

    Thank you for an amazing journey.

    With heartfelt gratitude,

    [Your Name]


    Subject: A Fond Farewell to [Company's Name]

    Hello [Recipient's Name],

    Today, as I prepare to turn off my computer for the last time at [Company's Name], I can't help but reflect on the incredible journey we've shared. It has been a voyage of growth, challenges, victories, and invaluable friendships.

    The fond memories of our brainstorming sessions, shared meals, and late-night project rushes will always bring a smile to my face. You've made my tenure at [Company's Name] a journey worth treasuring.

    Though we're parting ways professionally, I hope we can keep our personal lines of communication open. I would love to stay connected and can be reached at [Your Email].

    Thank you for making my time at [Company's Name] unforgettable.

    With warm regards,

    [Your Name]

    Subject: Saying Goodbye with a Heavy Heart to [Company's Name]

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    Saying goodbye is never easy, especially when it means leaving a place that has given me so much. Today marks my last day at [Company's Name], and I find myself reminiscing about the countless experiences we've shared together.

    The bonds we've forged, the laughter we've shared, and the collective triumphs we've celebrated have been a source of joy and growth. Your support and companionship have transformed this workplace into a second home for me.

    As I turn the page and set sail towards new horizons, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your part in my journey. Please feel free to stay in touch. I would be delighted to hear from you at [Your Email].

    Thank you for everything. I will cherish these memories forever.


    [Your Name]

    Final Working Day Email to Send to Your Manager

    If you wish to send an appreciation note to your boss or manager, you may do so with the following email templates-

    Subject: A Note of Appreciation on my Last Day

    Dear [Manager's Name],

    As today marks my last day at [Company's Name], I wanted to express my deepest gratitude for your support and mentorship. Your guidance has been instrumental in my professional growth. I hope to carry these valuable lessons into my next endeavor. Let's stay connected at [Your Email].

    Sincerely, [Your Name]

    Subject: Farewell and Thank You

    Dear [Manager's Name],

    Today, as I bid farewell to [Company's Name], I want to thank you for your unwavering support. Your mentorship has been invaluable. I look forward to carrying your lessons forward in my career. Stay in touch at [Your Email].

    Warm Regards, [Your Name]

    Subject: Signing Off from [Company's Name] with Gratitude

    Dear [Manager's Name],

    As I leave [Company's Name], I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your guidance. Your mentorship has been a beacon during my time here. I will always appreciate your support. Please feel free to contact me at [Your Email].

    Best, [Your Name]

    Subject: A Farewell Note of Thanks

    Dear [Manager's Name],

    On my last day at [Company's Name], I wish to extend my sincere thanks for your mentorship and support. Your guidance has played a significant role in my professional journey. Let's continue to connect at [Your Email].

    Thank you, [Your Name]

    Subject: Leaving [Company's Name] with Gratitude

    Dear [Manager's Name],

    As I step away from [Company's Name], I want to express my deep appreciation for your support and mentorship. The lessons I've learned under your guidance are invaluable. Please keep in touch at [Your Email].

    With gratitude, [Your Name]

    Sarcastic and Funny Email Examples

    If sarcasm is your way to communicate, these email templates should work. But please make sure to use them with caution. Otherwise, you will end up “burning the bridge”. Don’t let that happen.

    Subject: Adios, All-You-Can-Drink Coffee!

    Hello [Recipient's Name],

    As I prepare to escape from the clutches of [Company's Name] and bid goodbye to the luxury of free-flowing office coffee, I thought I’d take a moment to say thank you. Thank you for bearing with me during my caffeine-fueled rants and ramblings. Feel free to reach me at [Your Email], especially if you find a better coffee joint.

    Cheers to survival and endless coffee,

    [Your Name]

    Subject: Farewell, Brave Keyboard Warriors!

    Dear [Recipient's Name],

    I'm finally quitting this noble quest of battling bugs, juggling deadlines, and deciphering cryptic client feedback at [Company's Name]. But fear not, noble colleague, for I shall carry the memories of our shared laughter, sighs, and coffee breaks into my next epic. Drop me a line at [Your Email] if you ever need a laugh or a virtual high five.

    To new adventures,

    [Your Name]

    Subject: Out of Office... Forever!

    Hey [Recipient's Name],

    Guess what? My 'Out of Office' reply isn't just for a vacation this time. It's a permanent feature! No more unread emails, last-minute meetings, or emergency coffee runs at [Company's Name] for me. But don't worry, I'll miss your face the most. Ping me at [Your Email] if you ever need a reality check or a good chuckle.

    Until we meet at the crossroads of work and sanity,

    [Your Name]

    There you have it! I hope you found your perfect and the best last working day email template. I wish you all the best for your future endeavours. Consider joining CrazyEngineers and stay in touch with fellow engineers all the time.

    Bonus: This is the original email that was shared in this thread. This is just for fun. Do not actually use this email!

    Dear Co-Workers,
    As many of you probably know, today is my last day. But before I leave, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know what a great and distinct pleasure it has been to type "Today is my last day."
    For nearly as long as I've worked here, I've hoped that I might one day leave this company. And now that this dream has become a reality, please know that I could not have reached this goal without your unending lack of support.
    Words cannot express my gratitude for the words of gratitude you did not express.
    I would especially like to thank all of my managers: in an age where miscommunication is all too common, you consistently impressed and inspired me with the sheer magnitude of your misinformation.
    It takes a strong man to admit his mistake - it takes a stronger man to attribute his mistake to me.
    Over the past three years, you have taught me more than I could ever ask for and, in most cases, ever did ask for.
    I have been fortunate enough to work with some absolutely interchangeable supervisors on a wide variety of seemingly identical projects - an invaluable lesson in overcoming daily tedium.
    Your demands were high and your patience short, but I take great solace knowing that my work was, as stated on my annual review, "mostly satisfactory."
    That is the type of praise that sends a man home happy after even a 10-hour day, smiling his way through half a bottle of mostly satisfactory scotch.
    And to most of my peers: even though we barely acknowledged each other within these office walls, I hope that in the future, should we pass on the street, you will regard me the same way as I regard you: sans eye contact.
    So, in parting, if I could pass on any word of advice to the individual who will soon be filling my position, it would be to cherish this experience like a sponge and soak it up like a good woman, because a job opportunity like this comes along only once in a lifetime.
    Meaning: if I had to work here again in this lifetime, I would sooner kill myself.
    Very truly yours,
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  • Voltaire

    MemberAug 24, 2010

    Hehehe. I get you man
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorMar 10, 2014

    ...And I thought all that people write is "thanking colleagues and managers for guiding and helping me through my journey so far." 😨
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 10, 2014

    Since a lot of engineers come to CE looking for this email format; I thought of writing a more formal (and non-funny) email template which you can actually use.

    Please make sure that you add all the recipients in the BCC list.

    Dear Friends,

    Sometimes, life puts you in situations where you've to let go of things dearer to you in pursuit of something better. Few days ago, I was in a similar situation and I had to make a hard decision - to take a leave from all of you and take up new challenges and start a new phase in my career. Today is my last working day at <company name> and I'm totally thrilled to write this email; often called the 'last working day email'; probably one of the most difficult mails I ever wrote during my tenure here.

    I want to thank my fellow team members <first names> from the bottom of my heart and especially to <team lead, project manager name> for his/her constant support and guidance throughout. I will miss you all!

    I promise that our friendships will remain forever. I'll always be available on [your facebook, linkedin, email, twitter, phone etc.]. If you ever need me, I'm always available.

    Thank you for being a part of my journey here at <company name>

    <Your Name>
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorMar 27, 2014

    One of my friends who recently left an IT company wrote -
    "I hope we have a chance to meet again in future at the crossroads of life."
    She said she copied it from somewhere.

    PS: Does anyone really want to meet their tech-leads or managers again? No hard feelings, but still? 👀
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  • Harsh Ma

    MemberMar 27, 2014

    Not @all i would never be interested in meeting any one again 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 27, 2014

    It's a fact that most of the last working day emails sent in offices are copied from the Internet. People mostly resign from their current jobs because of their managers and not always for more money. At least, that's what my observation is. Money of course is an important criteria; but the decision to quit is mostly taken when people can't cope up with their managers.

    Plus, it's rare that people develop special bonds with their co-workers. Unfortunately, the real enemies in the corporate hierarchy are your co-workers; because you're fighting directly with them for promotions and better salary packages. You can't expect to gel with them if you're directly competing with them.

    It's a fact that most of the lines of compassion and bonding are lies.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorMar 27, 2014

    I regret the day my manager and senior-manager added me on Facebook.
    Why would I want to do that? 😲
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  • Harsh Ma

    MemberMar 27, 2014

    Sorry to pitch in b/w conversations 😀

    Well, the 1st ever thing to do in any profession is never add collages in ur FB / Linked in specially. 😀 most imp one. 😀
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberMar 28, 2014

    there will be a gem between pebbles and i can bear the pebble hitting to find a good gem(true friend).
    I support social network integration.You CEans¿
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 4, 2015

    Since this last working day mail is so popular, someone asked for a more 'professional' way to write it. Here's something you can simply copy and paste.

    Dear all,

    The time has come for me to say goodbye to you. I never thought I'd ever write this email; but times change. Ever since I joined this company X years ago, you all become a part of my family. It's been a fantastic journey and a great learning experience for me. I enjoyed every moment and I appreciate having the opportunity to work with you.

    I thank all my managers and my colleagues for their constant support throughout my tenure at <company name>. You stood by me when the times were difficult and we enjoyed all the happy moments together. I will always cherish these moments.

    I will miss all of you as a begin a new phase and a new challenge in my career. My best wishes will always be with you.

    I will be reachable on <facebook>, <linkedIn>, <personal email>, <phone number>. I hope we stay in touch.

    Thanks and Regards,
    <First Name> <Last Name>
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberJun 4, 2015

    I don't write much of official language.
    Instead I write the some memorable moment we encounter during out office tenure.
    Every team has some sort of moment . I attach the picture of team and add keywords like
    "late night working, outing at xyz place, busted someone".
    I think this makes other team members to recall the memory of past for few min.
    Yes, finally I add my personal email/contact. I also cc my personnel email. It's easier for others to respond the mail later.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 29, 2015

    Frankly speaking, I never understood the real purpose of writing the last working day email. It even doesn't make sense that people try to make it a bit 'emotional'. No one stays in contact after you've left the company and no one cares either. It's just an illusion that we create in our mind that we're loved and we'll be missed in the company.

    Not many people realise that the true competitors in your company are your colleagues and friends. Since the organisations follow pyramid structure, the number of 'seats' or 'roles' to occupy go on reducing; while you all keep fighting for them. If two friends are working in a project at the same designation; then they are actually the two top competitors for the next promotion.

    ...and you can't even blame your bosses; because they are the victim of the system too. Ultimately it's the 'bell shaped curve' that will determine every employee's destiny. Whether you work your heart out or just keep pleasing your boss - no one really knows what happens during 'normalisation'.

    Maybe the social networking websites have made it easier to stay in touch; but even with the FB groups, I don't think people continue to feel the connect; or shall I say, the pain.
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberSep 29, 2015

    Absolutely agree. The company or team or anyone doesnt care after you leave the company.
    No one is indispensable. As long as you think you are special or system doesnt run without you , then you are creating a imaginary world.

    I have been working in this current organization over 6 years now, i have seen many people leaving and joining. The ones with the attitude as iam god here, never ever got good rating or is in good books.

    Always performance matters and then leave. After you leave its done!
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorSep 30, 2015

    Although I agree with what's written above, I think when a fresher first enters the industry it is with high hopes of making friends. (Somehow, somewhere, someone tells them that they have to 'enjoy the ride'). Of course, over the course one realises that the colleagues stay colleagues, and can't really be friends, but those who feel emotionally connected with even one or two of their entire project team, they feel they need to express their feelings in one last letter. And hence the concept of 'last working day mail'.

    I was at a 15-day Himalayan camp in 2008 where we were made to write a small letter on the last day. Now although, none of the team mates knew each other from before the camp, still every one wrote something interesting about their team mates. I guess it's human nature to feel that need to write (convey or express) something before leaving a group.

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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorDec 3, 2015

    So finally it is all about making a lasting "Last Impression" at your existing job or workplace.

    To all of you who've met and known me at this office,

    Today is my last day at work and from Monday (or some specific date) I'll start working at another organisation (more often this line can be completed as: running my own startup). Thank you all for the good times I spent here with you. It’s been great interacting and knowing each one of you.

    This can be quickly followed by an email address or contact number (depending on whether you want to leave some way of contacting you for your ex-colleagues, considering that they could do that on FB/Twitter anyway).

    Thanking you,


    I also feel that people give a lot of unwanted importance to the last day email. Instead of just writing words, you can stick around the cafe, buy everyone coffee, chit-chat and spend some quality time with whatever small group of friends you made there.

    PS: On a funny note, check out what Microsoft Founder - Bill Gates spent his last day of work. This video has been uploaded by Engadget and I remembered seeing it around 2-3 years back for the first time. Worth you time, check it out:

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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberDec 5, 2015

    Honestly speaking when i was leaving my first company, I was very busy with some presentation till noon, then later i was busy collecting some no - due certificates.

    I never became emotional not i got an idea to send my last day email.
    It was my manager who asked me to do it, and i did it saying guys today is my last day all the best etc. i didnt even put my email in it.

    again it was my manager who asked me to resend and i did.!
    Last day email , unless you are some MD , or CEO etc i think it really doesnt matter.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorDec 17, 2015

    #-Link-Snipped-# That's true. Even I had to spend some 5-6 hours running from the HR office to my desk and to the manager's desk for the formalities on the last day. It was tiring. They needed signatures on so many documents. Then I recalled that they had made us sign papers for 3 whole days when we had joined. So, fair enough.

    Saandeep Sreerambatla
    MD , or CEO etc i think it really doesnt matter.
    Now I guess that's a little disheartening for everyone who is Googling and landing here. All those who feel the need to write a last working day mail, not only want to make a lasting *last impression*, but also have the tendency to share their views with everyone no matter what the situation.

    I think it is best if you don't make it sentimental. In fact, keep it short and funny. Even if you write something in two lines, that's enough as long as you share what's in your heart.

    It's best if people address this mail only to those they have been interacting with the most. Exclude the people who don't know you all that well, because they are going to delete it without reading anyway.

    (I have a feeling that those who are leaving their *first* company are likely to send the last working day email the most)

    So, you email could have something like:
    It is my first company and that's why it will always be the most special. I would like to thank you all for your support directly or indirectly and making my experience here the most memorable one.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 28, 2016

    Just want to know if anyone's actually used the text in first post of this thread as their last working day email 😀 . If yes, what were the reactions from your colleagues and managers? Care to share with us?

    PS: Just a thought crossed my mind. Why not write this type of 'simple' last working day mail? -

    Subject: My Very Emotional Last Working Day Email
    Body: I'm off, folks. Feels incredibly awesome to escape from one cubicle jungle only to land in other. Meh!
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  • Jeremiah Logan

    MemberFeb 15, 2016

    I just came upon this today, and am bookmarking the first post as a reference for my last day email, which I plan to deliver within the next three weeks. While humorous, many of the highlights of your first post speak directly to why I am leaving. I know many people caution a transitioning employee from "burning bridges" or coming off as disgruntled, but I also believe that sometimes there are times you simply need to cut through all the PC bs and state the things everyone is afraid to speak of.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorMay 31, 2016

    Jeremiah Logan
    but I also believe that sometimes there are times you simply need to cut through all the PC bs and state the things everyone is afraid to speak of.
    Word. You said it.
    Tough to admit, but it's often the reality.
    I hope you did use it on your last working day.
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  • Koushal Patel

    MemberJun 2, 2016

    Ankita Katdare
    PS: Does anyone really want to meet their tech-leads or managers again? No hard feelings, but still? 👀
    Why not! 😉 😀 They can meet at any of Lonavla Tapri !
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  • Koushal Patel

    MemberJun 2, 2016

    I would say, rather than writing anything formal, just write a single mail saying Thanks who has helped you, no matter how much.
    It really hurts when someone leaves the organisation whom you have helped a lot in project and everyday communication happens to and fro and suddenly you came to hear from your peer that Friday was his/her last day, obviously brings frustration. Hope I am crystal clear about this. 😀
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  • Don Ross

    MemberJun 5, 2016

    I never sent a last day email, I always made it a point to personally say good bye. I do know this,,,, contacts and relationships last a life time. Good or bad you will still swim within the same waters. This is a small world and a reputation is a hard thing to regain. Never, Ever burn bridges. 10 yrs can be like a day. And those young then become leaders or leverage points. People can be used to meet other people ie; Linkedin. And respect builds bridges. Careers can be built and lost on perception vs abilities. Be nice to your peers. They may very well be your boss in the future or your inspiration and key to your demise.Yes you may never speak again, but I can assure you your name will come up over a life time especially if your a mover and shaker. My reputation proceeds myself. That's how well I left my ties with all I've met. One moment can be remembered a life time. Good luck
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  • ManjunathNaik

    MemberJun 21, 2016

    This is what i written in my Last working day mail....... 😀

    Dear Friends,
    I am really sorry and It is a mixed bag of feelings for me to write my last mail in <<Company Name>> by saying ‘today will be my last working day in <<Company Name>>’ .

    And tomorrow onwards, my TPX id <Emp ID> may not return any results and mail id ‘Manchikoppa.ManjunathaNaik@’ may return ‘Delivery has failed to these recipients or distribution lists’.

    After over 3 years 2 month of exciting(working 12 to 15 Hrs per day) and memorable stint with Tesco BIS Team, I am bidding adieu to this company. As I move on, I would like to take a moment to remember and cherish our times together.

    Joined <<Team Name>> Team as a fresher with full of dreams but……………???????????? and I was somewhere lucky to get

    -<<Team name>> Team (Friends)

    Everyone in this office has been real source of inspiration to me, I have learnt from each person in this Team which has helped me achieving new heights in professional as well as personal life.

    I have shared a special bond with all of you and I shall take away with me, special memories of our time together. I would like to thank each and every one for making my stay such rewarding and worthwhile experience.

    Alongside work unknowingly I got emotionally attached to many of you in the team and I am proud of that. Friendship is something which is the biggest thing to earn and I am happy in making many friends for life across Tesco.

    -Batch Mates(2011 batch)

    I Cannot forget in my life those 2 month of training(13 different module) and fun on Mainframe class(SUNFT???) with you guys.


    Thank you so much for all your wonderful KT session you have arranged when we joined fresher to BIS Team.

    -‘<<Mgr Name>>’ as my Reporting Manager for last two year

    I Can’t Forget in my life the freedom you have given me to prove Technically(Given a chance to work on 13 different Technology/languages ,4 different database , web application Design, Development, Testing and Support ).

    I got totally 37 appreciation mail (within 2 year)from WL2,WL3, WL4 and Different team Manager – all credits goes to you because ‘most of the time - how many critical project we worked on and resolve the issue doesn’t matter but with whom we are working with that time is very important’.

    -<<Colleague/Friends Name>>.

    Instead of Colleague I can say my best friends as well as well-wisher. Thank you so much for all your help, support and guidance whenever I’m frustrated with ?????????????

    -<<Few Teammate Name>>

    Thank you so much for all your support and help for each information you have provided to me on your busy scheduled time.

    -From <<Client emp Name>>

    I am proud of that, I have got a chance to work with such a wonderful nice people like you(I can say in word - Down to earth)

    And Thank you so much for all your help.

    -I Enjoyed speaking words that maybe nobody was listening to , posting concerns which may not have been rewarded but still my Special Thanks to ????????? for making me STRONG.

    -Thanks to each and every one of you for making my stay here unforgettable.Please keep writing to me and do keep in touch.

    I will be reachable or rather caught at <<Email id>> (<<Phone number>>) for anything and everything… and even for nothing

    With a heavy heart, Signing off for one last time.

    Your Friend,

    Manjunath .
    email: <email>

    " Love Your Job, But Never Fall in Love With Your Our Team(Company) Because You Never Know When your Team(Company) STOPS Loving You"
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  • Don Ross

    MemberJun 21, 2016

    To much sentiment.Your not married to them, you compete with them YOU are an island. period.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJun 27, 2016

    #-Link-Snipped-# Interesting email. Did you get replies or feedback on the email? Could you share them here with us?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 28, 2016

    Looking forward to more interesting 'last working day' emails. Can someone share a funny email that you actually wrote and marked a copy to your personal inbox?
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    MemberFeb 16, 2017

    that's what many of us need. as our mind doesn't work what to write and what not.. thanks Kaustubh

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    MemberFeb 16, 2017

    Ankita Katdare
    One of my friends who recently left an IT company wrote -
    "I hope we have a chance to meet again in future at the crossroads of life."
    She said she copied it from somewhere.

    PS: Does anyone really want to meet their tech-leads or managers again? No hard feelings, but still? 👀
    some managers are not so hards... and you actually hope to get their guidance time to time.. today is my last day at mphasis .
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 6, 2017

    If you are writing your last working day mail, please do post it here. It's always a personal mail; but I think it's all good if all individual references and identifiers are removed.

    What say, folks?
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    MemberJul 6, 2017

    Sure will share
    with you same
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    MemberJul 6, 2017

    Dear all,

    The time has come for me to say goodbye to you. Never thought to write it out; but Change is the Rule of Life. Since I joined Mphasis (Unleash the NEXT), you all become a part of my family. It's been a fantastic journey and a great learning experience for me. I enjoyed every moment and I appreciate having the opportunity to work with you.

    I thank my manager for there constant guidance and Support, my colleagues for their constant support throughout my Time at Mphasis (Unleaseh the NEXT). You stood by me when the times were difficult and we enjoyed all the happy moments together. I will always cherish these moments.

    I will miss all of you as a begin a new phase and a new challenge in my career. My best wishes will always be with you.

    I will be reachable on #-Link-Snipped-#, 9545918137. I hope we stay in touch.

    “People will forget what you said, People will forgot what you did.

    But people will not forget how you made them feel”

    Thanks & Regards,

    Anand N Nagada

    #-Link-Snipped-# | 9545918137

    #-Link-Snipped-# | #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorOct 31, 2017

    I recently came across a really decent, simple resignation letter. I think this last day email template works well for any kind of employment.

    Dear Mr./Ms. Supervisor OR {Project Name} team,

    Please accept this letter as formal notification of my resignation from {Company Name}. My last day of work will be {January 25, 20XX}.

    I really appreciate the experience and growth opportunities I have gained while working with you. The dynamic and supportive nature of our team will surely add value to my successors.

    If I can help in any way to ease the transition, please let me know. I wish you and {Company Name} continued success.

    {Your Name}
    {Email Address}
    {Contact Number}
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMay 29, 2018

    Just out of curiosity - has anyone ever sent last working day email posted in this discussion thread? I bet you haven't. 

    Did anyone write a funny last working day mail? Would you mind posting it here, after removing the obvious references or identifiers? It'd be cool, I guess. ? 

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  • Jeremiah Logan

    MemberMay 29, 2018

    I posted back in 2016 that I planned on using something similar, as I was working at a company that had gone far, far downhill, and was actually working for a supervisor who was blatant in his sexual aggression toward female employees. I spoke to the Director and CIO about this issue and soon thereafter received, after almost a decade of glowing performance reports, a very blunt statement that I was "on my way out". I therefore took the first step and found something else, and left the following email for my colleagues:

    To my teammates;

       It is with some regret that I make my transition away from <company name> to a new opportunity. I have worked closely with many of you and have enjoyed my time with the company. I am excited for what Digital Transformation is going to bring to the Enterprise, and wish you all the best as it progresses. For those I am connected to on LinkedIn, do keep in touch and let me know how things are going from time to time, and I will do the same.

                       ==================Spoiler Alert==================

    Those of you who know me best, know that I am not one to mince words or shrink from speaking my mind. My initial intention was to proceed with this new venture (which has been in the works for some time and has me really excited!) and leave things at that. But upon reflection I feel I cannot leave without pointing out some of the issues I am seeing within our culture; issues that, while they did not drive my decision to leave, certainly did not make it any more difficult.

    As we progress with Digital Transformation and maintaining elite carrier status, I believe we rely more and more heavily on our leadership for proper direction. It is our leaders that should exhibit the vision to get us from where we are to where we want to be. They are also the brick layers, paving the way when we run into roadblocks that cannot be overcome. Above all else, it is our leadership that should display the beliefs and culture that <company name> strives for, to lead by example. For the most part, I believe the new leadership that has joined the company during <CIO's> tenure is doing just that, and applaud them for it.

    At the same time, there are other managers, whom I cannot in good conscience refer to as leaders, who simply do not belong in a position of leadership. I have struggled under just such a supervisor since his appointment. I have worked with a number of colleagues new to positions of leadership, and some that simply aren’t cut out for it. I believe anyone with a desire to move from a technical position into one of leadership should be given just such a chance, and I as a direct report should support them. It is not a failing of managerial skills that I reference.

    But when a supervisor is known for the way he looks down upon both his direct reports and his teammates, and this behavior is not addressed when brought to the attention of senior management, it becomes a situation that is untenable. Having your supervisor explain that “we take care of the tasks the other groups in IT don’t because we’re smarter than they are” is bad enough. To have that same supervisor refer to a female colleague, one of our own teammates and another of his direct reports, as “a fucking idiot” when she is not in the room is unconscionable in my mind. Similarly, to make statements about other female members of the IT staff such as “the only good thing about her is her big fat titties” in a group of co-workers is beyond reprehensible. I brought these concerns to the attention of management, and was assured that the behavior would stop. Unfortunately, it did not. When it gets to a point where you don’t want to walk for coffee in a group that includes this person, or even be in a meeting with vendors for fear of the embarrassing off-color sexual jokes he will make, it is difficult to find real satisfaction in the work place.

    As stated above, this behavior – while sickening to me that anyone could engage in it and still expect his peers to respect him – is not the sole reason for my transition to this new opportunity. I do believe, however, that it speaks volumes toward the culture that the enterprise is looking to achieve. As long as this behavior is allowed, tolerated and seen as a “coaching opportunity” rather than the grossly immoral and mental defect that it is, we will continue to struggle with getting to where we want to be. <company name>’s transition as a company can’t be just about technology and income, it absolutely must begin with employing and retaining the best people. That begins with our leadership; if it is not happening at the top we are all doomed to fail.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 7, 2018

    I think the simplest and honest last working day mail would be somewhat like this -

    Dear colleagues,

    I'm leaving.

    Our rival company XYZ is offering me 1.4 times the package I had in this company and I calculated that by accepting their offer, I'll be able to pay my home loan EMIs and still be able to afford a bucket of pop-corn at the new cineplex in our city. 

    I think we were nice with each other; like we'd be with any other human being - except during the yearly appraisals. We all want promotions and more money - but only few get it. 

    Be kind to the new employee who takes up my position. 

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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorSep 8, 2018

    #-Link-Snipped-# Sir, Did you have a chance to write the last working day message or email to your workers at any of your workplaces? Did you write an emotional message or say any parting words to your colleagues? Multiple insights can make this thread more interesting! :)

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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberSep 8, 2018

    Virtually all the jobs that I held were by offer. Each time it was with the full knowledge of and co-operation with the previous organisation that I left. Each time the new place allowed me to go back to the earlier to complete whatever joint activity that I was doing before leaving. In a sense it was a gentle disengagement. I never really wished good bye.

    Personally I believe with Longfellow that the best way is to ‘steal silently away’


    And the night shall be filled with music, 

          And the cares, that infest the day, 

    Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs, 

          And as silently steal away. 

    (From H.W.Longfellow’s poem: ‘The Day is Done’)

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 17, 2018

    ...and fast forward to now; that people jump jobs right after getting 'average' grades in annual appraisals. 

    We've a lot of people reading this discussion. What's your top reason for quitting your last job? 

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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberSep 18, 2018

    Curiously I did not leave the last job. I just changed the workplace and am continuing to do the same work in a different facility.

    The only option for the technology developed by the previous institute to become a commercial product was to transfer me along with the technology in 1990. I continue in the new place (if new is the word now that it is 2018) in the same general area with the earlier one having become a mature product.

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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberSep 19, 2018

    Off topic. Still, relevant:


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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorNov 23, 2018

    A friend of mine just showed me a letter her colleague had sent on her last day and I felt it is crisp and to the point. She is leaving her job on account of maternity.

    So sharing bits from it here:

    Subject: Farewell <Company/Project/Team Name> Family


    It has been a tremendous journey with all of you for the last 7 years.

    I started my professional career with this team and it has been a great learning experience for me. I want to thank each member for providing me with a challenging and exciting environment. I have enjoyed my tenure here and appreciate having had the opportunity to work with you all.  

    Special mention to my team leads for being super supportive and cordial for all these days.

    I wish my team all the very best.

    Please do keep in touch.

    Best Wishes,
    <Name> <Number> <Email>

    Please modify it to add a personal touch with actual names of team members and team managers. Hope this helps someone.

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  • Mohmin Jafar

    MemberDec 5, 2018

    We had an email newsletter in our company for people who have sent the funniest last day of work emails. In one of the emails, a person wrote each individual team mates names and compared them to characters from Sholay like Jay, Veeru, Gabbar, Basanti etc. In another email, a person had outright written bad words about every single person whom he hated in his team. Like you are a sh*thead and you deserve to rot in hell. ? Some people like to just take it out on their colleagues, give them one final blow, before leaving. Too much hatred to leave behind. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

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  • Anand GT

    MemberDec 14, 2018

    I on the other hand was very polite and humble while writing my 'last working day' mail. It goes somewhat like this - 

    Dear All,

    Today is my last working day in XXX. It was a memorable and learning experience for me during my tenure in XXXX and I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with you all.

     I have made many  friends which I would always remember and I am sure they will too.I would like to say ‘THANKS’ for all the help and support you have extended to me during my stay in XXXXX. I would like to convey my special thanks to all my friends.

    Wish you all the best for all your future endeavors.

    And hope we will be always in touch.

    With this note I wish you all the best for your future and life.

    I’ll be available on


    Phone -XXXXXXXXX


    Bye Bye. :)


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  • Piyush Rawat

    MemberDec 31, 2018

    So I have a friend of mine who wrote the following mail: 

    Subject of email: Changaaaaaaaaaa..........!!!!!!!!!

    I am Outtaaa here ……………………………..

    And the journey has somewhat been a mix of happy and not so happy days………………..

    All those cricket matches missed while sitting in here ………….. it’s time to go out and enjoy them live…..

    The swipe ins and the swipe outs, the blocked attendance and the somewhat boring meeting killing the “precious time” J are over………..

    I mostly like all the people I have interacted with ….Especially Sandeep sir, Parminder, Manjinder, Suraj and Ashish ………..

    but have also interacted with “very few” inconsiderate and spineless individuals……..Well “insaan bann jao…. Bhaut scope hai” ….

    Meanwhile in the journey ……Also……

    And at last ………………

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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJan 15, 2019

    This is really interesting. Never thought one could use memes so creatively in their final goodbye email on their last working day. Good job #-Link-Snipped-# for sharing this with all engineers. 

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 17, 2019

    I think it'd be better to add a few professional templates you could use to write your last working day mail or a simple Goodbye email to your colleagues. 

    Template #1

    Subject: Goodbye, and Thank You!

    Dear All,

    It's time to say goodbye to all of you. We've exchanged hundreds, probably thousands of emails among us; but writing this one is very difficult. 

    I'd say the last [x] years with [company name] were undoubtedly the best days of my professional life. It was a great learning experience. I got a chance to learn from you and I cannot thank you enough for your support. 

    Special thank you to [name of boss, manager] for his/her constant encouragement and motivation. 

    I am going to miss working here and being with all of you. I am always available on [personal email] / [ phone ] / [ facebook / twitter handle ]. If I can be of any help to you at any point in life - do not hesitate to ping me! Stay in touch.


    [Your Name]

    Template #2

    Subject: Hello, It's Time To Say Goodbye!

    Dear All,

    After almost [x] years of excitement and joy of working with you, the time has come to say goodbye to you. Today is my last working day at [company name] and I'd be failing in my duty if I did not thank you for being a part of my professional journey. 

    I hope we keep in touch. 

    Thank you,

    [Your Name]

    Let me know if you'd like more templates to write last day at work email. 

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