Member • Aug 12, 2008
Know your CEan - Kinetic_Joules
We say engineering is not about degree & certificates & we mean it. Engineering is about attitude and our youngest active CEan - Kinetic_Joules (KJ) aka Tyler from USA strengthens our belief. She spends most of online time on CE; helping our new members, developing the CE BOT, posting new ideas & evangelizing CE Forums. We're proud to have her on CrazyEngineers.
Check out our Editor-In-Chiefâs chat with KJ -
Q: Hi KJ, Let me say you are a young engineer. Tell us more about yourself.
KJ: Yes, I am quite younger than the rest of the CEans. I'm 15 and will turn 16 in September. I do feel a little awkward, being the youngest active member (as Biggie said), but I look at it as an opportunity to learn more and grow with engineers all around the world. I see the fact that I'm taking up electrical engineering at a young age as a sort of an advantage.
Starting at a young age. . . I figured it's kind of a head start. I'm trying, already, to get ready for college and I have to say. . . it's a bit tough. The thing about it, I'll be graduating high school when I'm 17 instead of 18, because of when my birthday falls.
Q: Seems you would turn out to be a better graphic designer than an electrical engineer. Is it not? Tell us more...
KJ: Well, it's hard to decide which I like better. . . I love them both. I have to say, I'm way more experienced at graphic designing than electrical engineering, but that's what learning is all about. My college plans are major in electrical engineering, minor in graphic design. I do feel I can tie my graphic design skills in with my engineering somehow, and that would be great. I would probably be good with designing and building my own stuff, and I could make a good little business out of that. I tried here a while back to set up something with Patty about CE merchandise, but I think that idea just kind of passed along. So, really, I can't say whether or not my designing would turn out better, because I've got a strong passion for both.
Q: What music do you love the most? Who are your favorite singers?
KJ: Wow. . .that's a tough question, Mayur! I LOVE rock music. It's my life. Basically, it keeps me sane. It's a great way for me to relax during a long day, because I can come home, sit in front of the computer, turn on the iTunes and just escape.
My favourite singers? Wow. . . well, by favourite bands would have to be Incubus, Nirvana, Green Day, Smashing Pumpkins, Bullet For My Valentine, and Sublime. My favourite singers? I like Corey Taylor (Singer for Slipknot), Jonathan Davis (singer for KoRn), Bob Marley, and Phil Collins.
Q: Ah so you share an hobby with our admin, The Big K. Guitar! What else you like?
KJ: Yes, I do love guitar! I've been playing for around 7 years now (that would make me 9 when I started). I was taking lessons for about a year until I realized that I taught myself more than the lessons ever had, so I quit.
What else do I like? I like to read. But, I don't like to read novels as much as I like to read informative books or something about Star Wars. I once read a book titled: "Strange and Unusual Natural Phenomena". I use to barrel race, until I got way to busy and decided to give it up. I like animals, and I volunteer at the local zoo. We're working on getting the train running again, which involves digging up all the dirt from around the tracks, pulling out bad ties and putting in new ones.
I'm a big movie buff, also! I like independent films a lot. My favourite movie of all time has to be "Shooting Livian". It's not a moive many people have heard of, but it does have my favourite actor in it, Jason Behr, who also starred in "The Tattooist".
Q: Looks like you love video games too. Tell us more.
KJ: Video games. . . (shivers) What can I say about them? Well, Mayur, I can easily say I'm addict and I really don't know if that's something to be proud of. I guess it is for me! I'm really into rp games (That's roll playing for all you non gamers) like Final Fantasy. I'm not the best at first person shooter like Halo. . . I kind of suck at it, actually. I once beat a game in a little over 2 hours. . . and that was just strait game play (translation: without all the videos and people talking). Not once did I have to go back and redo anything. I'll stay up for hours on end, days even, playing a single game until I eventually dose off in the middle of a battle or something.
Q: Share one each: A funny moment, an embarrassing moment, an incident when you were proud of yourself and one big achievement.
KJ: One funny moment I had was when me and the zoo were on our way to Gulf Shores, and my friend Jeremiah had been being random the whole trip. We passed an antique furniture store named "Alice & Wonderland" and out of the blue, Jeremiah goes "Oh wow! It's $100 dollar rebate in a cup of tea! First one to find it in under 3 minutes gets it!" I don't know if you guys would find that funny. . . because I think it's one of those "You had to be there" moments. . . but it sure was funny to me!
An embarrassing moment was when I was in Target looking for some dog food. . . I walked up to a random person that I thought was a store's clerk and was like "Sir, where's your dog food" and they just looked at me like I was crazy and said "I don't have a dog". . . I felt so stupid!
A time when I was proud of myself. . . I was taking an IQ test on the internet and it said I made a 142. I then looked up the score result table and it said results of 140 and higher were considered to be genius or near genius. I was kind of ecstatic, because I never really realized I was that smart!
Q: How do you feel being on CE?
KJ: CE? Wow. . . what can I say about it!? Everyone on CE is so nice and helpful! How do I feel about it? Like I said in a previous answer, I do feel a little awkward since I am so young, but like I said, I do see it as an advantage. When I joined CE, immediately people began to ask me questions like "How did you find CE", "Why don't you tell us more about yourself?", and welcomed me warmly. I can honestly say I haven't met a nicer bunch of people than the CEans I've come to know!
KYCE - Quickies:
Q: One thing about you that no one knows.
KJ: I really like to write poetry.
Q: 5 CEans you can remember
KJ: Biggie, Ash, xheavnelyx, Patty, and Mayur (you)
Q: One thing you would like to change about yourself
KJ: My weight. . . I really don't feel comfortable with it, even though everyone says I'm fine!
Q: Complete the sentence. "I would lie to confess that..."
KJ: I would lie to confess that I really don't like my middle name.