  • Gurjeet

    MemberSep 8, 2011

    Know Your CEan-gg_gaurav

    Know Your Indexin'gg' gaurav !!

    [FONT=&]Hello CEans,Crazyengineers comes up with one more awesome interview ,a student of mechanical engineer by trade,who joined the CE wagon a long back ,and now a very active CEan contributed a lot for improving CE threads Indexing and keep going on for more,He is none other than #-Link-Snipped-#[/FONT] CrazyEngineers interviewed him to help our CEans to know more about him. We are happy to present his words here

    [FONT=&]CE: Hi Gaurav, you are a Crazy Mechanical engineer, tell us more about yourself.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&]Gaurav : [/FONT][FONT=&] hello CEans I am Gaurav studying in final year in NMU university. I like to net surfing.

    [/FONT] CE: How did you get introduced to CrazyEngineers (CE)?
    I really don't know. But I am joined CE when I just started to netsurfing. And after that i keep visiting CE. At that time I only read the forum. Now from last two months I participating in posting & discussions.

    CE: Why did you take up this particular engineering trade? What do you like the most about it?
    Gaurav: At the time of admission I put all the trade in my option form but when I know that mechanical tread is selected then I search the future scope in this filed & decide to take admission. [FONT=&]Now I like all the field in mechanical & I am happy to do work at any section.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&]CE : You came from a well educated teachers family; Do you have any idea to enter in to the Teaching field?[/FONT] [FONT=&]Gaurav :[/FONT][FONT=&] Teaching!!! If any one want to enter teaching filed then I suggest to please do at least post graduation. After that you may be do your PhD research. This provide you strong support for future growth in teaching.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&]CE : What is the biggest achievement in your life so far?[/FONT][FONT=&]
    [FONT=&]: [/FONT][FONT=&] Biggest Achievement?? I think there is no big achievement in my life yet. But there are lost of small achievements & I enjoy my each achievement. This is really keep you away from any depression. [/FONT] [FONT=&]Recently I got my one of the small achievement. I just started my own website (#-Link-Snipped-#). Here I want to give lots of Thanks to BIGGIE who gives me proper guidance. I really excited after doing this because I have website as I want with all features without any language support.[/FONT]

    CE: Who are your idols or inspirations?And Why?
    : My father ‘R.P.Mahajan sir’ is my idol ! Because I know his nature & working method , in depth of knowledge of anything. You just ask him any question he will explain it as a discussion & you never required to read it again. If he doesn’t have any deep knowledge he guides me exact way to get proper information.While taking about inspirations there is no need to go anywhere, You can find lots of potential personalities on CE.

    [/FONT] [FONT=&] CE : Tell us your short term & long term goals.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&]Gaurav : [/FONT][FONT=&] My short term goal is to crack GATE. & long term goal is to establish my own company in any field (Actually field is not decided yet. I like to decide it after few experience.)[/FONT]

    CE : How the idea of Indexing came to your mind? And how you had spent loads of time on CE for compiling all the threads?
    Gaurav : I read this in somewhere in our forum. Our members are taking about it. At that time I am totally free so I start it. Frankly, it did not take as much time as you are thinking. Just arrange notepad window & browser horizontally/ vertically & copy- pest links in note pad. Then copy this all material in note pad and pest it in forum. That's it.

    CE : You are doing Mechanical Engineering, How you have created interest in Computers?
    [FONT=&]Gaurav : [/FONT][FONT=&] I am satisfied with my progress in mechanical Engineering. How I got interest in computer? I think because of my father. When I am in 5[SUP]th[/SUP] at my fathers collage B.Sc. computer is just started & my father start learning computer. He usually talks with me on new technology in computer & brings various magazines like Digit. He gives me my first email id in 10[SUP]th[/SUP]. This is much for me to create interest.

    [/FONT] [FONT=&]CE : Good to know that you have a dream to start a Company; What kind of Company you want to start and Can we know your plans or ideas about it? [/FONT] [FONT=&]
    Gaurav :[/FONT]
    [FONT=&] as I told earlier I don't have any ideas yet. Now I am thinking that if I am working for anyone why not I use my work for me & my family. I have strong feeling bout it because my brother is also learning Mechanical Engineering

    [FONT=&]CE : Share your memorable moment of your long drive trip and tell us how you enjoyed that.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&]Gaurav : [/FONT]It’s hard to write about that moment in this small answer! I am talking about my drive to ‘Aonkareshvar’ [M.P.] That is one day tour of total run up of 450 Km including tracking on ‘Asirgad’[Bharanpur]. That is the craziest trip in my life. We do & plan the things without using our brains. And that results in facing every problem which may induce in long drive like bike failure due to high heat, heavy rain; we have forgot that bike runs on petrol Etc. etc. Its really a very nice experience, which taught many things to us.
    CE : [/FONT]
    [FONT=&]What changes you found in yourself before and after joining CE?
    [FONT=&] I found lots of improvement in my communication. I meet here more enthusiastic members. Here we found many views for a topic. And now we can increase our aptitude skill with our test series. Thanks to AKD [/FONT] [FONT=&]

    CE :
    If you were given a chance to take a role in CE, what would you like to have and What would you do for CE?[/FONT]
    [FONT=&] Gaurav : I would like to do anything that I can do for CE. I like to do moderation for CE. Have you forget about my indexing thread? I actually doing that I want to do for CE!

    [/FONT] [FONT=&] The CE Quickies aka Rapid Fire:[/FONT][FONT=&]

    1. N[/FONT]
    [FONT=&]ame 5 CEans that crossed your mind within 5 seconds[/FONT].
    [FONT=&] Gaurav : AKD, Ishuee, Riya, Sahithi Pallavi & Biggie

    [/FONT] [FONT=&]2. What does 'gg' in gg_gaurav mean? [/FONT] [FONT=&]Gaurav :[/FONT][FONT=&]
    ohh. It is a nickname given by my friend 'Vishal'. He has his own style to call me with this name & this name get lots of popularity in class.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&]3. If you are granted 3 wishes, what would you ask for?[/FONT][FONT=&]
    [FONT=&]: [/FONT][FONT=&]I like to get 1)management skill form Bill Gates, 2) hardworking form Abdul Kalam
    3) I like to increase day by 3hrs. so that I can sleep well.😀

    [/FONT][FONT=&]4. If you were not an engineer, you would be?[/FONT]
    [FONT=&] Gaurav [/FONT][FONT=&]: [/FONT][FONT=&]I like to enter in photography & video editing

    5. Your biggest blooper till date is?
    [FONT=&]: [/FONT][FONT=&]blooper ? lets me find out my dictionary[/FONT] [FONT=&]I miss my chance to propose that girl. [/FONT][​IMG] [FONT=&]

    6. A moment you can never forget.
    [FONT=&]: [/FONT][FONT=&]The fear in that long drive which I shear above. My bike stopped in heavy rains on empty road & without any network coverage.

    7. A CEan whom you admire the most(Except Biggie & Akd)
    [/FONT][FONT=&]Gaurav : Issue![/FONT]

    8. What are the things which you don't like to do?

    Gaurav :
    [FONT=&]I don't like to spent time with smoking people. I hate that smell.

    [/FONT] [FONT=&] 9. If you were the one day admin of CE....[/FONT] [FONT=&]
    Gaurav [/FONT]
    [FONT=&]: [/FONT][FONT=&]umm..hmm! I think biggie is best for that![/FONT]

    10. What do you want to say about CE?
    Gaurav [FONT=&]: [/FONT][FONT=&]I love CE[/FONT] [FONT=&]

    Thanks for the Interview[/FONT]
    .. Gaurav
    [FONT=&]CE Wish you all the very best from all of our CEans..[/FONT]😁
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  • Reya

    MemberSep 8, 2011

    Nice interview!

    Good answers gaurav👍 and good set of questions CD and Sada😉
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    MemberSep 8, 2011

    Great questions Guru and Sada😀
    @gaurav: You have given me a big place. AKD and Biggie are HUGE people. They will beat me to death 😛

    Jokes apart.

    All the best for starting your company 😀 Tell us more about your photography. Do you go for small outings and do photography?
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberSep 8, 2011

    Good Interview CD and Gaurav oops gg_Gaurav. 😀
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorSep 8, 2011

    Feels nice to know that you have benefited from the aptitude test. 😀 We hope to see you growing with the forum throughout our life.

    All the best Gaurav! 👍 Keep rocking.
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberSep 9, 2011

    Re: Know Your Indexin'gg' gaurav !!

    Kudos! Gaurav. Great Going. Checked your forum. Very good One.
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  • Mr.Don

    MemberSep 9, 2011

    Nice Interview 😀

    @Gaurav You have got a good thing in your don't like list. Smoking is injurious to Health 😛
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  • born_star16

    MemberSep 9, 2011

    Very nice interview and good questions too.

    So now Gaurav can join CE......haha!😁
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  • ShrinkDWorld

    MemberSep 9, 2011

    Thanks Guys.😁
    I am very happy to see my name in KYCean. Thanks to Sada & cooldudejet.
    @issue : Actually i like to edit photos & videos i learn it in last year. Usually my bro takes pictures & i like to edit them.
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