  • Symbol of the Indian rupee will appear on computer keyboards in the same row where the numerals and symbols of other currencies, say dollar, exist.

    "The symbol is being approved by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and will be on the keyboards by January next year,” said N Ravi Shanker, additional secretary, department of information technology.

    This would present a huge opportunity for the hardware players, especially with incremental sales coming from replacement of old keyboards.
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    MemberJul 16, 2011

    Yeah AKD thanks for sharing. That is an awesome news. 😀

    For those who are not going to replace their Key boards, have a look at this. A little downloading and some computer jugglery might help. 😁
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Write the Indian Rupee Symbol using Windows Fonts - Digital Inspiration</a>
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