  • I am about to complete 4 years of experience in the software testing. Recently, i have got promoted as a senior tester but i am underpaid. I am getting around 4.6 only. I asked my manager and he gave my excuses of designation & total percentage hike which was of 11% but my current salary was not good. I have worked hard last year and results gave me headache. Please help me out.

    I am frustrated and well deserving candidate. I am the only one who got the highest rating in the team but my salary is ridiculous.

    What should i do?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorApr 2, 2016

    Step 1: Get a new job offer from other company.

    Step 2: Resign from existing company.

    Step 3: If they want to retain you, negotiate like you're the boss. Ask for at least 1-1.5L over your new offer.

    Step 4: Settle for 50-60% of it.

    Step 5: Decide whether you want to stay or leave.

    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
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