Member • Aug 23, 2011
Is A Forum Software Really Capable of Keeping the Pieces of Information Togather?
[read CMS instead of CDN in the post. Keeping the original content of the post intact to keep the integrity of the discussion.]
Member • Aug 23, 2011
Administrator • Aug 23, 2011
Member • Aug 23, 2011
I know It sounds confusing but its actually not. The matter of fact is recently there is a bias towards using Forum software as CDN. Due to attachment support Many forums are allowing users to upload useful contents like word documents, PPT, Projects and so on. So Forums are turned into sort of CDN services(Not all, but yes, many of them).The_Big_KYour post is bit confusing. You're comparing Forum with CDN (Content Distribution Network). Isn't it like comparing Apples with Candles?
Administrator • Aug 23, 2011
Member • Aug 23, 2011
Ok probably I could Not present the Problem the way it should have been Presented. Lets say that a startup decides that its going to build a website where student can share their source code and documents[Like the one we have build in our Grasshopper Network]. SO there are two ways to really go about it. First of all Make a Forum, tweak it forexample seminarxx[dot]com, to suite uploading projects and documents and connect them via appropriate threads. Else use a Website which Supports CDN like Joomla or Drupal. What I mean by CDN is not "Content Delivery Network"( the backend geographic distribution that you have pointed with technical correctness). What I say by a CDN system is a website which is build on the Concept of CDN and capable of CDNing the contents, more precisely a website where content management is the base.( Should I have used CMS rather than CDN?😲 I think I should have and If the word CDN has created the confusion, I correct it with CMS) So the choice is Forum tweaked as CMS or CMS incorporating a Forum. My observation says that many startups are ( More recent CMS) especially in the Education Niche are preferring Forums.The_Big_KIt still is confusing. A content distribution network the network that duplicates the content on all of its servers across various geo-locations so that the user requesting the content is served the relevant files from the server physically nearer to him/her. A forum, on the other hand is just like another website but allows users to interact with each other in a structured manner. So forum and CDN are two entirely different things. You can, at the best talk about Social Networks which have data centers across various locations and serve the content in a similar way to that of a CDN.
Any special reason you're talking about 'forums' instead of any general website?
Administrator • Aug 23, 2011
Member • Aug 23, 2011