  • smita89

    MemberSep 6, 2008


    Hey all, I'm Smita Mishra, currently in my 3rd year of electronics and telecom engineering from KISD, Bhubaneswar.

    My current work experience is aimless wandering through the two years of engineering, doing EVERYTHING BUT engineering lol

    Hobbies & Interests:
    1. i blog/write a lot
    2. i eat a lot
    3. i read a lot (not course books by the way)
    4. love extra curricular activites
    5. like organising events (tech fest, cult fest, hobby clubs, fundraisers etc)

    My aim in life:
    1. World domination 😁
    2. Donate my brains after I die (so that it can be used for research purpose as to how a perfectly healthy brain deteriorates after joining engr courses hahaha)
    3. Start a chicken eatery chain bigger than McD or Pizza Hut and name it CHICKS-rule! 😎
    4. write a book about my crazy love life, my crazy friends, and my crazy engineering days (all combined in one book though, it's bound to be a BESTSELLER)
    5. Bring about a revolution (or a rebellion whichever applies 😁)

    I joined CrazyEngineers because: I'm an cough*aspiring*cough engineer and I'll b crazy once my four years doing btech finishes. Jokes apart, I hope my other CrazyEngineers brothers and sisters will help me make sense of WHERE exactly am i heading. Its a cool place to be, glad I stumbled across it accidentally. hope to be a regular here!!

    Peace out!
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberSep 6, 2008

    Re: Introduce Yourself - Let's know each other!

    Super intro by Smita Welcome to CE and Rock on warm welcome to you
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 6, 2008

    Jokes apart - how are you planning to go about world domination? :neutral:

    [PS: Welcome to CE.]
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  • gohm

    MemberSep 7, 2008

    Welcome aboard CE and thanks for the bio!
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberSep 7, 2008

    Hi Smita,
    Welcome to CE. I have been thinking of starting a revolution for a long time. So why don't you share your ideas. World domination.....The day I proclaim myself the Supreme Emperor of the world, I will make you my Prime Minister
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  • anuragh27crony

    MemberSep 7, 2008

    Welcome Smita :smile:

    well it's interesting..i found a bunch of people of my type...😛
    I want be *cough* Anurag The Great (Like Alexander The Great) *cough* a Gladiator....who invades every country and wins easily...😁
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