Member • Sep 6, 2008
My current work experience is aimless wandering through the two years of engineering, doing EVERYTHING BUT engineering lol
Hobbies & Interests:
1. i blog/write a lot
2. i eat a lot
3. i read a lot (not course books by the way)
4. love extra curricular activites
5. like organising events (tech fest, cult fest, hobby clubs, fundraisers etc)
My aim in life:
1. World domination 😁
2. Donate my brains after I die (so that it can be used for research purpose as to how a perfectly healthy brain deteriorates after joining engr courses hahaha)
3. Start a chicken eatery chain bigger than McD or Pizza Hut and name it CHICKS-rule! 😎
4. write a book about my crazy love life, my crazy friends, and my crazy engineering days (all combined in one book though, it's bound to be a BESTSELLER)
5. Bring about a revolution (or a rebellion whichever applies 😁)
I joined CrazyEngineers because: I'm an cough*aspiring*cough engineer and I'll b crazy once my four years doing btech finishes. Jokes apart, I hope my other CrazyEngineers brothers and sisters will help me make sense of WHERE exactly am i heading. Its a cool place to be, glad I stumbled across it accidentally. hope to be a regular here!!
Peace out!