  • Hi,
    I have CMOS camera that the output is NTSC or PAL. I want to interface with PIC. Did anyone know how to connect that? Maybe it have a chip on that. I'm trying to google search about convert NTSC/PAL into digital or convert NTSC/PAL into UART, SPI or I2C.
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  • bill190

    MemberSep 1, 2010

    There's all sorts of stuff the other way around! (Chip to output to NTSC, etc.)

    Just for the heck of it I searched for NTSC to digital converter and found a bunch of links...
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Google</a>

    Here are some chips...
    (Click View Page at bottom at following link)
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberSep 1, 2010

    Yo shahrul,

    Not sure if this will help, but I've onced used a camera recording module that can store analog camera signals, and can be interfaced via UART. The model is Comedia C6810, but I can't remember where I bought it online 😔

    But the thing to remember is that even after compression, video files are still large and will take ages to transfer via UART 😛

    How was Merdeka celebrations btw?
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