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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 9, 2008

    Difficult to answer. On a scale of 1 - 10 , what would be your rating to your C programming skills?

    That said, I can still suggest a generic way of finding project ideas in any programming language of your choice. C programming language has been around for several decades now and a TON of programs have been written in it. Yet, this programming language remains a popular choice for mini projects. What makes C a preferred choice by engineering students is that it's very easy to learn and master (you just have to be interested in it).

    The best way to get an idea is to find out simple problems and then trying to automate them. Let me present a few projects you can try out on your own -

    1. A program to calculate the area of any 2D geometrical figure when proper inputs are provided.

    2. Tic-Tac-Toe program in C. If you have knowledge of graphics in C, you might want to try this out. This is a really challenging program but you may try to attempt it.

    3. A simple project in C that generates random shapes to resemble English characters and then asks users to identify them. You may base a login system around this concept.

    4. Solve any mathematical problems using C-programming language [ series, progressions etc. ]

    5. A simple C programming language code to find the next number in the series of numbers.

    6. A simple 'strong password generator' using C. You may use a combination of alpha-numeric characters along with special characters and numbers.

    7. A simple C program to perform operation on mathematical matrices. This is a challenging mini-project in C if you are new to the language.

    8. A little more advance system would be to develop an inventory management system for your local shopkeeper (Kirana store owner).

    I'll be able to suggest more mini project ideas if you tell us what you're looking for a bit in more detail.
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  • Nidhi varma

    MemberJul 13, 2008

    I would rate 6 to my C programmin skills on a scale of 1-10.
    Truly speaking the programing part does not excite me as i am just a beginner and not soo perfect in programming.
    Inspite of i being a goin to be Information Technology engineer is it okay if i choose an topic related to electronics for my first mini project ??
    AS i would be ultimately working in the software field don't u think it is a waste of time and energy working on a topic related to elctronics...
    suggest something nice.
    Do reply soon
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 13, 2008

    Nidhi varma
    I would rate 6 to my C programmin skills on a scale of 1-10.
    Truly speaking the programing part does not excite me as i am just a beginner and not soo perfect in programming.
    Inspite of i being a goin to be Information Technology engineer is it okay if i choose an topic related to electronics for my first mini project ??
    AS i would be ultimately working in the software field don't u think it is a waste of time and energy working on a topic related to elctronics...
    suggest something nice.
    Do reply soon
    From your post, I guess you're more interested in electronics than writing computer programs. If its allowed in your college, I'd recommend you choose an electronics project & have fun working on that. Its too early to worry about your post-engineering work.

    Regarding the topic - are there any on your mind currently? Try searching the forums for electronics project ideas.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJul 13, 2008

    Try doing a project that involves a microcontroller. Nowadays, you have lots of devices that require the skills of an IT engineer to program "smart" appliances.. such as smart microwaves, smart dishwashers, etc.

    This way, you can still use your interests in electronics, while applying your programming skills 😉
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  • Nidhi varma

    MemberJul 14, 2008

    I have shortlisted a few projects related to elctronics .
    1.Fridge door alarm
    2.Touch switch
    3.Sine wave generator
    4.Speech amplifier box
    5.Pulse width modulation
    6.Salt taster
    Kindly suggest if any of the above mentioned topics is suitable to do a mini project.
    Apart from these can some one suggest me a new yet simple topic, as the above mentioned topics are slightly outdated and most commonly used..
    Reply Quick.
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  • remshad medappil

    MemberAug 25, 2009

    I suggest a C language project on 'salt taster'. I found more project ideas below -

    Projects in C++
    1. Student database system
    2. Hang Man
    3. Auto-puzzle solver
    4. School fee enquiry Management System
    5. SuperMarket Billing System
    6. Video CAPTCHA generator
    7. Flash CAPTCHA generator
    8. 3D Bounce in OpenGL
    9. Bus Reservation System
    10. Train ticket reservation system with mobile access
    11. Puzzel Game in wxWidget
    12. Tetris Game Player - Artificial Intelligence
    13. Data Exchange between Notepad and Excel (Visual C++)
    14. Employee's Management System

    Projects in c
    1. Libray management
    2. Program to generat a calendar
    3. Snake Game
    4. Finding Factorial Of Any number
    5. Quiz E-Game
    6. Sudoku Game Generation
    7. Virtual Piano
    8. Virtual Guitar Using C language graphics library
    9. Program for Captcha Generation
    10. Department store system
    11. Tic-tac-toe game
    12. Personal Dairy Management System
    13. Telecom Billing Management System
    14. Bank Management System
    15. Contacts Management
    16. Medical Store Management System
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  • prince_k

    MemberNov 28, 2009

    Please find my list of projects that can be done using C programming language -

    1. Chess game encoding in C
    2. Metro Reservation System Program in C for mini project
    3. Mini Project in C Hotel Reservation and management System
    4. Mini Project in C language for DOS Key Logger
    5. College or School Library Management System (Mini Project in C)
    6. Bricks Game mini project.
    7. Car - Dual : A Car racing game
    8. Windows Folder Protection Software in C
    9. Employee & Employer Database Project Using C
    Plus following projects can be done using C or C++ programming -
    1. Retrieving the trains schedule from the pre built database
    2. A hostel management system using c
    3. TCP/IP programming
    4. program to check whether a given number is leap year or not
    5. Program to check whether a given number is even or odd
    6. Program to convert given string from upper case to lower case and vice versa
    7. A program to find the memory size of all the data types
    8. Program to find the determinant of a matrix
    9. Generating multiplication table using C
    10. Computing the exponential series
    11. Socket programming
    12. A folder password protection program using C
    13. A program to reverse a given number
    14. program to check whether a given number is leap year or not
    15. Program to check whether a given number is even or odd
    16. Program to convert given string from upper case to lower case and vice versa
    17. A program to find the memory size of all the data types
    18. Program to find the determinant of a matrix
    19. Temperature conversion program from F to C or from C to F
    20. Program to add two matrix
    21. Using pointers to add numbers
    22. A mini dictionary implementation in C
    23. A random password generator with added special characters
    24. Program to interchange two numbers without using a temp variable
    25. Designing a drop down menu with graphical interface using C
    26. Program to generate prime numbers between 1 and the given number
    27. CPU scheduling program using C
    28. An Converter program to convert from infix to postfix
    29. An information retrieval program for a car showroom
    30. Program to generate different patterns/shapes
    31. Program to concatenate two files
    32. Program to show the difference between given two files
    33. Program to display the difference between given two dates
    34. A multithreading program using C
    35. Program to generate a billing system
    36. Using C code to change the background of the console window
    37. A spell checker program
    38. Random question generator
    39. Program to generate bar/pie chart
    40. File split up program
    41. Program to send a UDP request for a specific IP and MAC address
    42. Program to identify and delete the vowels alone from a given string or an input file
    43. A music application development
    44. Program to generate the sum of aTaylor’s series
    45. Implementation of bucket sort
    46. Program for deleting elements from an arrays
    47. Generating a Pascal triangle
    48. Program to generate permutation and combinations
    49. A hello world program
    50. Generating an Armstrong number
    51. Multiplying two numbers by rotational method
    52. Program to convert from decimal to roman number
    53. Program to generate facial expressions like smiley face, sad face and angry face.
    54. Program to generate a log file for the given application
    55. program to hide a mouse pointer
    56. Program for graphical display of solar system
    57. Program to find the sum of diagonal of a matrix
    58. An online exam interface using c
    59. Creating a custom message box using C
    60. Writing a C complier program for a DSP processor
    61. program to reflect the characters as it is typed by the user
    62. A simple blink program
    63. Program on L2 protocol with encryption implementation
    64. Program to perform round robin scheduling for the processes
    65. Program to count all the digits in a given number
    66. Program to compute the transpose of a matrix
    67. Program to generate all possible set of substring from a given string
    68. Binary search implementation program
    69. Program to remove duplicates from a given input array
    70. C program to merge two files
    71. Traffic light simulation program
    72. Program to list the files in a directory
    73. Program to show the simple rules of integer addition and integer multiplications
    74. Program to automatically shut down the computer at a given time
    75. Program to remove the duplicates from a given text file
    76. Program to automatically delete the contents of recycle bin
    77. Program to generate a log file for the given application
    78. program to hide a mouse pointer
    79. Program for graphical display of solar system
    80. Program to find the sum of diagonal of a matrix
    81. An online exam interface using c
    82. Creating a custom message box using C
    83. Writing a C complier program for a DSP processor
    84. Implementing the MAC Layer
    85. Program to send a UDP request for a specific IP and MAC address
    86. Program to identify and delete the vowels alone from a given string or an input file
    87. A music application development
    88. Program to generate the sum of aTaylor’s series
    89. Implementation of bucket sort
    90. Program for deleting elements from an arrays
    91. Generating a Pascal triangle
    92. Program to generate permutation and combinations
    93. A hello world program
    94. Generating an Armstrong number
    95. Multiplying two numbers by rotational method
    96. Program to convert from decimal to roman number
    97. Program to generate facial expressions like smiley face, sad face and angry face.
    98. Program to explain the concept of passing by reference.
    99. A unit converter program
    100. A simple editor using C
    101. Program to convert an IP address into its base 10 form
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  • sarveshgupta

    MemberNov 28, 2009

    @prince you forgot to introduce yourself
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  • himanshu sikka

    MemberFeb 12, 2010

    you can create tic tac toe game program in C which is a mini program and is interesting also. If you want its source code or for any other help, mail your quote at my email address <removed>
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorFeb 12, 2010

    himanshu sikka
    you can create tic tac toe game program in C which is a mini program and is interesting also. If you want its source code or for any other help, mail your quote at my email address <removed>
    Instead of posting your email ID on public forum and attracting spammers, why don't you post the code in a separate thread in CS/IT Engineering sections?

    Also, we encourage you to refrain from encouraging spoon feeding to engineering students.
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  • yogesh_dhiman

    MemberFeb 12, 2010

    hospital management or backup utility there r d topics of c language more information contact at
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  • sumith123

    MemberJun 15, 2010

    hospital management or school administration system is best topic
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  • Nidhi Sri

    MemberFeb 25, 2011

    hi suggest me some nice topic for c progrmming mini proj
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  • medeepak

    MemberFeb 26, 2011

    are you the same old TS
    it seems you have listed some projects by yourself
    like the TIC TAC TOE
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  • Deepika Bansal

    MemberFeb 27, 2011

    Tic Tac Toe reminds of the game Sudoku. You can give it a try.
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  • Nidhi Sri

    MemberMar 4, 2011

    thanks dude
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberMar 4, 2011

    Hi Dude,
    Employee Leave and management system
    Description: HIghly interactive and Graphics based system To store the employee information in files and perform various operations as user selects.
    This Project has been developed as a project for the 12th class.
    In this the user has to make a user id first by using the password application.
    After making user id they can access the database by the username and password..

    1. Detail of the Product
    1. How many product is there.
    2. Rate of the Product.
    3. Qty. Sold and left.

    It also provide further Function Like:
    1. View Product in different Modes (One by one View and Tabular View (all product at once).
    2. Search product by its ID and Name.
    3. Inform you in which product there is no item.
    4. Information of the Size use by the Company and the Product.
    5. Updating of the Product.
    6. Reset Product and Company Info.

    2. Installation
    Unzip the 7 files to any directory and run Kbap.exe
    ReadMe.txt (this file)
    Make sure that all the files are in the same directory.

    3. Troubleshooting
    Make sure that all the files are in the same directory.
    Also make sure that the file "Data2.dat" is writable. Remove 'Read-Only' attribute if there. Problem will also occur if you have all the files on a 'write-protected' disc.
    Thank You!

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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberMar 4, 2011

    Small Puzzle!
    Check out the code here:
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  • sushmitha1204

    MemberMar 10, 2011


    iam sushmitha, persuing my btech 3rd year now..

    iam interested to do mini project based on c language..

    please can anyone suggest me a topic for this..

    i'll be thankful to you...
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  • kirti.rana35

    MemberMar 21, 2011

    i need a mini project on restaurant billing till thursday... plz cn u help...
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  • Ashu Kushwah

    MemberApr 25, 2011

    hello , can anyone give me idea of project in c language
    i have IT branch , i very interested for making project.
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    MemberNov 18, 2012

    please suggest me topics for mini projects in data structures with C
    (except the topics which relates to management)
    I am in 3rd sem(computer science).
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberNov 18, 2012

    Why not trying to implement Electricity Bill data base
    please suggest me topics for mini projects in data structures with C
    (except the topics which relates to management)
    I am in 3rd sem(computer science).
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    MemberNov 19, 2012

    some innovative solve real world problems.
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberNov 19, 2012

    some innovative solve real world problems.
    What is crossing your mind now then
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    MemberNov 19, 2012

    jeffrey samuel
    What is crossing your mind now then
    If i did not got any thing then, i will go for dictionary or calendar..
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberNov 19, 2012

    Sudoku solver is a good choice to do project in that is good option

    Dictionary implementation is good but don't you think it is too large If you can do it I am not hindering you from doing it
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  • grsalvi

    MemberNov 19, 2012

    jeffrey samuel
    Sudoku solver is a good choice to do project in that is good option

    Dictionary implementation is good but don't you think it is too large If you can do it I am not hindering you from doing it
    Dictionary is a good idea .It wont be too large.I mean if you download the data of dictionary in plain text form,then all you have to do is write code for reading data,allowing searching and displaying.
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberNov 19, 2012

    Bro don't you think intermediate indexes are to be inserted so that there is lesser time in accessing the answers right

    Dictionary is a good idea .It wont be too large.I mean if you download the data of dictionary in plain text form,then all you have to do is write code for reading data,allowing searching and displaying.
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  • grsalvi

    MemberNov 19, 2012

    Oh indexing.Yes ,reading data can be problem.Actually i did such projects but data i would read was not as much big as a Dictionary would have. Do you think ,splitting main file of data into small ones can help ?
    Or any other alternative ?
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberNov 19, 2012

    Oh indexing.Yes ,reading data can be problem.Actually i did such projects but data i would read was not as much big as a Dictionary would have. Do you think ,splinting main file of data into small ones can help ?
    Or any other alternative ?
    I am sure it will . In the case of dictionary A,E and S can have separate files while other letters can be grouped into 3 or 4 based on number of words This will ease and reduce the access time
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  • grsalvi

    MemberNov 19, 2012

    jeffrey samuel
    I am sure it will . In the case of dictionary A,E and S can have separate files while other letters can be grouped into 3 or 4 based on number of words This will ease and reduce the access time
    Lets see what the Cean doing this project practically finds.
    We will come to know if the alternative woks on or not.
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberNov 19, 2012

    Yeah he being inactive in his idea is some times really annoying But hope he has better ideas of implementing them 😀
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    MemberNov 20, 2012

    how to sort the words in files,
    is it possible with quick sort?
    i am doing in C with structures and files.
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  • grsalvi

    MemberNov 20, 2012

    First do a trial test...use plain text to store words and their meanings separated by tab (using concept of .tsv files)...each word and its meaning written in one line of text.So each line has different word.

    So when reading file, a tab represents that the next word is meaning of word which came before tab.Whereas a new line represents a new word.

    Rest you know what has to be done.
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    MemberNov 20, 2012

    First do a trial test...use plain text to store words and their meanings separated by tab (using concept of .tsv files)...each word and its meaning written in one line of text.So each line has different word.

    So when reading file, a tab represents that the next word is meaning of word which came before tab.Whereas a new line represents a new word.

    Rest you know what has to be done.
    i don't know about .tsv file concept..
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  • grsalvi

    MemberNov 20, 2012

    i don't know about .tsv file concept..
    Just like .csv file, a .tsv is tab separated file ,which uses tab separated different values.
    For more information check on web.For you case , see the example below:
    Example: (Content of Dictionary File)

    Apple \t A fruit with red color.
    amuse \t make (someone) smile or laugh.
    And so on
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    MemberNov 25, 2012

    Can any one help me to get dictionary in .txt ,pdf or .doc format.
    2-3 times i googled but i did't got complete one-one.
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  • grsalvi

    MemberNov 25, 2012

    Check Out these links.
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">The Gutenberg Webster's Unabridged Dictionary by Project Gutenberg - Free Ebook</a>


    And it seems file is too large. So i suggest do one additional program which shall split the file appropriately , into many small files and write into these files with the format which is required by your main program (i.e. DICTIONARY ).
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberNov 26, 2012

    Go with what #-Link-Snipped-# says otherwise the programs response time will be very not pleasing
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  • Chinu1

    MemberNov 26, 2012

    Hello... You can make a project for voting machine in C language. I think it's good for C language. But the coding of this project is very long. If you can do it, then its good.
    All the best
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    MemberNov 27, 2012

    Hello... You can make a project for voting machine in C language. I think it's good for C language. But the coding of this project is very long. If you can do it, then its good.
    All the best
    already i have submitted synopsis on dictionary, but i will continue it as a hobby project...
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  • Vinayak Chabbi

    MemberAug 11, 2014

    Hi..I'm a student of BE instrumentation and control.. can I get information on mini projects in C language industrial based projects
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  • Vittal Sindhoor

    MemberSep 19, 2015

    Sir,I am vital.I am studying computer science engineering in belgaum.
    project is data exchange between notepad and excel so how we will do sir?
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorDec 17, 2015

    vittal sindhur
    Sir,I am vital.I am studying computer science engineering in belgaum.
    project is data exchange between notepad and excel so how we will do sir?
    What you need to do is set up a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) communication server. The setup will be such that if you edit any data in Notepad, the corresponding data in the Excel sheet will be updated. However, DDE is an old method.
    Excel version 5.0 or later comes with rich object models that can be used for automation.

    Vinayak Chabbi
    Hi..I'm a student of BE instrumentation and control.. can I get information on mini projects in C language industrial based projects
    I don't really understand the meaning of 'industrial based projects' and I see students asking for it all the time. May be they are talking about a software developed in C/C++ that is or relevance in industrial use. So, may be something like inventory management system?
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  • Sabarishraj

    MemberJul 8, 2016

    I need a mini project in c,that should be little bit of innovative.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 9, 2016

    I need a mini project in c,that should be little bit of innovative.
    Perhaps you could tell us a few projects that you've considered on your own. As someone stated above, a voting machine software can be developed with C. Go for it.
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  • Sabarishraj

    MemberJul 9, 2016

    Thank you ji ,,,,but I have a project ,,,if u mention any one website is helpful to me.
    Kaustubh Katdare
    Perhaps you could tell us a few projects that you've considered on your own. As someone stated above, a voting machine software can be developed with C. Go for it.
    Mentioned website for voting machine project in c ,please .
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 9, 2016

    #-Link-Snipped-# - Are you looking for ready made code for your project? If yes, CrazyEngineers may not be the right website. We'll help you learn; but not offer ready-made code. You'll have to look elsewhere for ready made project code.

    All the best!
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  • Sabarishraj

    MemberJul 9, 2016

    OK ji thank you
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  • Sabarishraj

    MemberJul 12, 2016

    Iam studying IT i think this is right time to start the preparation of gate exam..give an idea will I prepare ,,,that is which website is good to study for gate exam ,and iam also need study me sir...
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  • BOYARajeswari

    MemberJul 13, 2016

    i am vinni of 2nd .i want to do mini project.not able to select a topic that would attract the people .would u help me?
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  • Swarup Pan

    MemberNov 19, 2016

    Hi, I am Swarup, a 2nd year CS engineering student. Basically i am not interested in coding. It bores me and i feel nothing interesting in the console window. I want to do something different with my own idea. I would like to share my idea with you. If you give me your contact info i'll describe it to you.
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  • [Prototype]

    MemberNov 20, 2016

    Hi, I am Swarup, a 2nd year CS engineering student. Basically i am not interested in coding. It bores me and i feel nothing interesting in the console window. I want to do something different with my own idea. I would like to share my idea with you. If you give me your contact info i'll describe it to you.
    You can create your own thread and describe your idea unless you're selectively sending it. In that case, you can use the CE's Private Message system.
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  • kanika gupta

    MemberFeb 27, 2017

    I am kanikaa , persuing science) our D.E. give us a project related to some subjects(computer graphics lab , operating system lab , microprocesser lab) what is the innovative topic of mini project in c (which is the hard to understand by others and easy to create , debug & explain?)?
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  • kanika gupta

    MemberFeb 27, 2017

    I am kanikaa , persuing science) our D.E. give us a project related to some subjects(computer graphics lab , operating system lab , microprocesser lab) what is the innovative topic of mini project in c (which is the hard to understand by others and easy to create , debug & explain?)?
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  • Dona Ceniza

    MemberMar 13, 2017

    Please find my list of projects that can be done using C programming language -

    1. Chess game encoding in C
    2. Metro Reservation System Program in C for mini project
    3. Mini Project in C Hotel Reservation and management System
    4. Mini Project in C language for DOS Key Logger
    5. College or School Library Management System (Mini Project in C)
    6. Bricks Game mini project.
    7. Car - Dual : A Car racing game
    8. Windows Folder Protection Software in C
    9. Employee & Employer Database Project Using C
    Plus following projects can be done using C or C++ programming -
    1. Retrieving the trains schedule from the pre built database
    2. A hostel management system using c
    3. TCP/IP programming
    4. program to check whether a given number is leap year or not
    5. Program to check whether a given number is even or odd
    6. Program to convert given string from upper case to lower case and vice versa
    7. A program to find the memory size of all the data types
    8. Program to find the determinant of a matrix
    9. Generating multiplication table using C
    10. Computing the exponential series
    11. Socket programming
    12. A folder password protection program using C
    13. A program to reverse a given number
    14. program to check whether a given number is leap year or not
    15. Program to check whether a given number is even or odd
    16. Program to convert given string from upper case to lower case and vice versa
    17. A program to find the memory size of all the data types
    18. Program to find the determinant of a matrix
    19. Temperature conversion program from F to C or from C to F
    20. Program to add two matrix
    21. Using pointers to add numbers
    22. A mini dictionary implementation in C
    23. A random password generator with added special characters
    24. Program to interchange two numbers without using a temp variable
    25. Designing a drop down menu with graphical interface using C
    26. Program to generate prime numbers between 1 and the given number
    27. CPU scheduling program using C
    28. An Converter program to convert from infix to postfix
    29. An information retrieval program for a car showroom
    30. Program to generate different patterns/shapes
    31. Program to concatenate two files
    32. Program to show the difference between given two files
    33. Program to display the difference between given two dates
    34. A multithreading program using C
    35. Program to generate a billing system
    36. Using C code to change the background of the console window
    37. A spell checker program
    38. Random question generator
    39. Program to generate bar/pie chart
    40. File split up program
    41. Program to send a UDP request for a specific IP and MAC address
    42. Program to identify and delete the vowels alone from a given string or an input file
    43. A music application development
    44. Program to generate the sum of aTaylor’s series
    45. Implementation of bucket sort
    46. Program for deleting elements from an arrays
    47. Generating a Pascal triangle
    48. Program to generate permutation and combinations
    49. A hello world program
    50. Generating an Armstrong number
    51. Multiplying two numbers by rotational method
    52. Program to convert from decimal to roman number
    53. Program to generate facial expressions like smiley face, sad face and angry face.
    54. Program to generate a log file for the given application
    55. program to hide a mouse pointer
    56. Program for graphical display of solar system
    57. Program to find the sum of diagonal of a matrix
    58. An online exam interface using c
    59. Creating a custom message box using C
    60. Writing a C complier program for a DSP processor
    61. program to reflect the characters as it is typed by the user
    62. A simple blink program
    63. Program on L2 protocol with encryption implementation
    64. Program to perform round robin scheduling for the processes
    65. Program to count all the digits in a given number
    66. Program to compute the transpose of a matrix
    67. Program to generate all possible set of substring from a given string
    68. Binary search implementation program
    69. Program to remove duplicates from a given input array
    70. C program to merge two files
    71. Traffic light simulation program
    72. Program to list the files in a directory
    73. Program to show the simple rules of integer addition and integer multiplications
    74. Program to automatically shut down the computer at a given time
    75. Program to remove the duplicates from a given text file
    76. Program to automatically delete the contents of recycle bin
    77. Program to generate a log file for the given application
    78. program to hide a mouse pointer
    79. Program for graphical display of solar system
    80. Program to find the sum of diagonal of a matrix
    81. An online exam interface using c
    82. Creating a custom message box using C
    83. Writing a C complier program for a DSP processor
    84. Implementing the MAC Layer
    85. Program to send a UDP request for a specific IP and MAC address
    86. Program to identify and delete the vowels alone from a given string or an input file
    87. A music application development
    88. Program to generate the sum of aTaylor’s series
    89. Implementation of bucket sort
    90. Program for deleting elements from an arrays
    91. Generating a Pascal triangle
    92. Program to generate permutation and combinations
    93. A hello world program
    94. Generating an Armstrong number
    95. Multiplying two numbers by rotational method
    96. Program to convert from decimal to roman number
    97. Program to generate facial expressions like smiley face, sad face and angry face.
    98. Program to explain the concept of passing by reference.
    99. A unit converter program
    100. A simple editor using C
    101. Program to convert an IP address into its base 10 form
    Can you give me the code for dual-car:a racing game?
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  • kiritnair

    MemberApr 3, 2017

    Hi dude,
    There are many projects similar to these projects. Its very hard to use some of the #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Dhru

    MemberApr 12, 2017

    Hello i am be student..i need a mini project on c++ wich is easy to implememt and undrstood and also helpful..can anyone give the suggestion before tomorrow??
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  • Jaya Bharathi

    MemberJun 28, 2017

    Am doing 3 rd year CSE..
    Am supposed to do mini project except android application..
    I know C, C++,Java..
    Kindly suggest me any mini project topic..
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