  • InCyte 2012 is a Technical Fest organized by AMITY University, Noida.

    InCyte '12 bring to you grandeur of biotechnology, abstruse innovations and an immaculate consortium of knowledge. Its a platform on the zenith for the celebration of scientific intellect and opportunities for upcoming bio technologists in India.

    Events of the fest includes:

    Judgement Day
    "Only one thing is certain, that is- nothing is certain." If this statement is true, it is also false.

    Poster Presentation
    "Words are mere spectators when colors start playing."

    All Rights Reserved
    Paper Presentation
    "It is a popular delusion that the scientific enquirer is under obligation not to go beyond generalization of observed facts."

    "Where instinct fails, intellect must venture."

    For more details, queries and registration; visit their website: #-Link-Snipped-#
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