  • CEans,

    We've discussed this issue number of times before. With CE's rapid growth [for the records' sake, we are adding over 100 new members every day], we must keep the forum VERY ACTIVE - otherwise, CE will become crowded with engineers. Our purpose is NOT to become 'world's biggest engineering community' but it is to "become a community that changes the world!".

    We have the right people - if not engineers, who else has the biggest impact on the surroundings?

    In our earlier discussions, we thought we needed lots of contests on CE Forums - the point very well taken. We'll be organizing interesting contests [technical & non-technical] in future. However, the activity on forum must go high. That will make sure our CE Meets get lot of attendance, the projects that we take up become successful.

    During the CE Meet, CEan- Sauravgoswami suggested that we implement the 'points' system. That's a very good suggestion and we should see it on CE Forums very soon.

    Any thoughts? I'd like each one of you to analyze the 'low activity on CE' problem as well as come up with suggestions & solutions.
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  • Differential

    MemberSep 23, 2008

    1) One thing I observed is that many users sign up and ask their question very enthusiastically and go away to return back never. The way to bring them back is, I think, sending an auto-email when their post is answered.
    Another benifit of this will be: Users will come know that their post is answered, so that they don't have to come here and check again and again.

    2) Suppose a user asks a question thru new thread and it gets x number of answers. How about having a button or something with which a 'thread-starter' will choose a best answer. This way an another user who has same question will be easily taken to best answer saving his time to read all stuff.

    3) Don't you think number of forum managers is too less as compared to its users ??
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 23, 2008

    3) Don't you think number of forum managers is too less as compared to its users ??
    Yes, indeed. Because number of forum managers is a function of forum activity. The more the activity, the more will be the number of mods. Moreover, we hand-pick the moderators - those who are active for long time and add value to forums.

    Suggestion #1: I'll work on it right-away. Suggestion#2: Not sure if this would be helpful. Instead of having a button, the user can simply quote the best answer and say "thanks".
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  • Mayur Pathak

    MemberSep 23, 2008

    2) Suppose a user asks a question thru new thread and it gets x number of answers. How about having a button or something with which a 'thread-starter' will choose a best answer. This way an another user who has same question will be easily taken to best answer saving his time to read all stuff.
    This can actually be made useful I think. Suppose I answered 10 questions or helped 10 engineers, 5 on post grad education, 3 on civil and 2 on mechanical. If my answer in education was voted as best answer, it gets highlighted as my expertise. With lets say all 5 answers were voted as top, I will get an expert status under my name on CE automatically. This will help the new bees or active CEans to search the appropriate user. We can also refer the queries to these experts.

    Can this be done?
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  • durga ch

    MemberOct 11, 2008

    hey Biggie..

    just sent a mail to web master..

    Thoght would post the idea here as well.

    Why dont we start a Knowledge base???

    since many of us are learners it would help us a alot..

    rather than googling for evry simepl thinge.. lets make our own knowledge base.. and see that most general and useful thnigns are updataed onto it..

    choose one from each stream to scan through the docuemnts and see if they are really worth for uploading.. if they are then load it...

    right form interview questions to text books evry thing cn be loaded...

    I dont know about others but there might be few unlucky ones like me who find needed data only after entering 4 to 5 search phrases and need to scan through first 6 pages on google results...

    trust me this would be much helpful.. 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 11, 2008

    CE is a knowledge base! We already have lot of unique ideas/articles on CE. I'll post my response to the mail here -

    Thanks for writing. We've already thought of an upload section where
    articles authored by our own members can be published. The section
    will be made available soon, most probably with our next upgrade of

    We, however, want to restrict the downloads only to original content
    authored by our members. To quote from our About CE article - "2. Do
    not encourage, support or tolerate piracy, harassment, illegal
    activity of any kind including but not limited to sharing of software
    keys, copyrighted material and cracking."

    We are against any kind of illegal activities. CE stands to be a
    community of engineers committed to making world a better place to
    live. We encourage you to help us stop piracy.
    Apart from the pdfs, we have a jobs/careers section which has all the queries related to jobs/career. We seriously need volunteers who'd actively post interview questions and anything that might be useful to the engineering community.
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  • durga ch

    MemberOct 11, 2008

    that should be fine.. so may be paper presentations by our own CEans project details can be shared is it?? that should be fine as well
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 11, 2008

    Yep right! Everything that is created by CEans can be shared. It could be anything - articles, presentations, software, report, notes etc.
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