Idea to attain light speed.

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I have an idea for attaining light speed but i am not sure whether this works or not.Here,let me explain my idea first.
Here M represents a magnet which is a very strong magnet placed at the center and let it be a S pole magnet at one end i.e., at the end side.Now another magnet with N strength is placed on the M magnetic field but its surrounded by a strong S pole strength where the center magnet and this magnet will repel as well as attract each other.Now let we place a slightly smaller magnet in its strength of N strength which is same as the surrounding magnet and opposite to the center which makes it rotate around its axis like planets rotate round the sun with some speed.Now if you excite the condition by applying more voltage the magnet gets increased strength and rotates at more speed.

Now the issue is.

1.Is this condition possible?
2.If does how do the magnet react?Does it increase the speed and they breakdown by applying more voltage?


  • Mr.Don
    Re: Does this condition possible?

    According to Einstein No Object can travel more than speed of light but here's an article that i have read in recent.

    Felber's antigravity discovery solves the two greatest engineering challenges to space travel near the speed of light: identifying an energy source capable of producing the acceleration; and limiting stresses on humans and equipment during rapid acceleration.
    "Dr. Felber's research will revolutionize space flight mechanics by offering an entirely new way to send spacecraft into flight," said Dr. Eric Davis, Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin and STAIF peer reviewer of Felber's work. "His rigorously tested and truly unique thinking has taken us a huge step forward in making near-speed-of-light space travel safe, possible, and much less costly."
    The field equation of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity has never before been solved to calculate the gravitational field of a mass moving close to the speed of light. Felber's research shows that any mass moving faster than 57.7 percent of the speed of light will gravitationally repel other masses lying within a narrow 'antigravity beam' in front of it. The closer a mass gets to the speed of light, the stronger its 'antigravity beam' becomes.
    Felber's calculations show how to use the repulsion of a body speeding through space to provide the enormous energy needed to accelerate massive payloads quickly with negligible stress. The new solution of Einstein's field equation shows that the payload would 'fall weightlessly' in an antigravity beam even as it was accelerated close to the speed of light.
    Accelerating a 1-ton payload to 90 percent of the speed of light requires an energy of at least 30 billion tons of TNT. In the 'antigravity beam' of a speeding star, a payload would draw its energy from the antigravity force of the much more massive star. In effect, the payload would be hitching a ride on a star.
    "Based on this research, I expect a mission to accelerate a massive payload to a 'good fraction of light speed' will be launched before the end of this century," said Dr. Felber. "These antigravity solutions of Einstein's theory can change our view of our ability to travel to the far reaches of our universe."
    More immediately, Felber's new solution can be used to test Einstein's theory of gravity at low cost in a storage-ring laboratory facility by detecting antigravity in the unexplored regime of near-speed-of-light velocities.
    During his 30-year career, Dr. Felber has led physics research and development programs for the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the Department of Energy and Department of Transportation, the National Institute of Justice, National Institutes of Health, and national laboratories. Dr. Felber is Vice President and Co-founder of Starmark.
    Source: Starmark
  • Leo
    Hi Deepak i think you have done an ample study for above article. By the way as far as i know scientists have already proven that no particle can attain 100% speed of light. When a particle tries to increase its speed more than 99% of speed of light its life increases and time for that particle becomes fast. With respect to the person for whom time is normal the particle with speed of light will become older but for the particle moving with speed of light everything will be normal but in fact he is moving faster i time and like this a particle will travel in time by never actually attaining speed of light.
  • sam_from_hell
    No particle with rest mass can attain the speed of light!
    According to Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, particles that approach the speed of light start to become heavier as they acquire more energy.
    The max speed that can be achieved by a particle with mass is 99% of speed of light. After that (as it becomes heavier), it requires infinite amount of energy to achieve the speed of light i.e. it is impossible.
    Great try though.. 👍
    - Sam
    EDIT: Did you know that the LHC( that's the Large Hadron Collider) basically uses the same principle of accelerating particles using magnets?? Bravo 👍
    here's the link for those who want more info on the Large Hadron Collider .
  • Voltaire
    Re: Does this condition possible?

    dileep k
    According to Einstein No Object can travel more than speed of light but here's an article that i have read in recent.

    Source: Starmark
    Please supply the source
    Thanks mate. Nice article
  • Mr.Don
    Thanks 😀
  • avii
    It's simple guys :


  • Ramani Aswath
    Ramani Aswath
    If you start on this project you may end up with time dilation and need infinite time. In my opinion a non starter.
  • narayana murthy
    narayana murthy
    As per my view, when a particle goes in angular velocity and moving in anti clockwise rotation wrt earth in lightspeed we can make time travel but problem is mass and gravity. In this i got a doubt when we enter in space we supposed to have zero gravity. Is it really zero
  • Vignesh Raghav
    Vignesh Raghav
    Not a physicsist though(just curious) goes one as per LHC Collider , scientist identified Neutrinos sub atomic particles travel faster than light which conflicts fundamental Einstein's Theory . Is it true ? or another fiasco ?
  • Vignesh Raghav
    Vignesh Raghav
    @ avii...uuheehahaaa,speed of light pic was out of the world 😁
  • Ramani Aswath
    Ramani Aswath
    Vignesh Raghav
    Not a physicsist though(just curious) goes one as per LHC Collider , scientist identified Neutrinos sub atomic particles travel faster than light which conflicts fundamental Einstein's Theory . Is it true ? or another fiasco ?
    They found that the incident was due to some wiring fault. c is still king.
  • Gurjap
    Oh yeah. Problems with the optic fibers.
  • narayana murthy
    narayana murthy
    They found that the incident was due to some wiring fault. c is still king.
    then why cant we use this one sir but as we know as per increasing the velocity mass will also be increased E=MC^2 as we know as per universal law of energy it is constant so if speed increases mass will also be increases....... so how can we make particles which has low mass to make the travel
  • Ramani Aswath
    Ramani Aswath
    Any real mass will have infinite relativistic mass at the velocity of light.
  • narayana murthy
    narayana murthy
    Any real mass will have infinite relativistic mass at the velocity of light.
    don't think i am opposing you.
    I am really confused from the experiment they found that neutrino goes faster than light if we consider on laws i think it is totally opposing

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