Member • Dec 30, 2008
IBM Puzzle December 2008 Challenge
Source: #-Link-Snipped-#
Consider a random walk on the 2-d integer lattice starting at (0,0). From a lattice point (i,j) the walk moves to one of the four points (i-1, j), (i+1, j), (i, j-1) or (i, j+1) with equal probability. The walk continues until four different points (including (0,0)) have been visited. These four points will form one of the five tetrominoes (considering mirror images to be the same). For each tetromino find the probability that it will be the one formed in this way.
Please make sure you clearly identify the tetrominoes when submitting a solution. You may wish to use the wikipedia letter designations, I,L,O,S and T. A few solutions did not receive credit
because I could not tell which tetrominoes were which. Also I am requiring exact values for the probabilities.
Consider a random walk on the 2-d integer lattice starting at (0,0). From a lattice point (i,j) the walk moves to one of the four points (i-1, j), (i+1, j), (i, j-1) or (i, j+1) with equal probability. The walk continues until four different points (including (0,0)) have been visited. These four points will form one of the five tetrominoes (considering mirror images to be the same). For each tetromino find the probability that it will be the one formed in this way.
Please make sure you clearly identify the tetrominoes when submitting a solution. You may wish to use the wikipedia letter designations, I,L,O,S and T. A few solutions did not receive credit
because I could not tell which tetrominoes were which. Also I am requiring exact values for the probabilities.