  • My Friend(MBA) and Me want to start a business which should be a regular requirement for consumers to put steady market.
    Here I got a problem is I have do an unique Business in my town.
    Suggest which type of Business have to do.
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberDec 21, 2009

    you may choose buisness which will fulfill your town in my town...most common buisness is for eatables as we punjabi guys are very fond of eatables.....
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 21, 2009

    My Friend(MBA) and Me want to start a business which should be a regular requirement for consumers to put steady market.
    Here I got a problem is I have do an unique Business in my town.
    Suggest which type of Business have to do.
    What type of business you should start entirely depends on - your skills set, market need, your team, your passions etc.

    The best way to finding an idea is to look for a problem that lot of people face and then try to find out a solution. Then build a team that will help you execute. Once you are successful at it, figure out a business model.
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  • metmyworld

    MemberDec 21, 2009

    you may choose buisness which will fulfill your town in my town...most common buisness is for eatables as we punjabi guys are very fond of eatables.....
    I am From AndhraPradesh.
    I need information about different types of Business that requires people a lot.
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  • metmyworld

    MemberDec 21, 2009

    What type of business you should start entirely depends on - your skills set, market need, your team, your passions etc.

    The best way to finding an idea is to look for a problem that lot of people face and then try to find out a solution. Then build a team that will help you execute. Once you are successful at it, figure out a business model.

    I am From AndhraPradesh.
    I need information about different types of Business that requires people a lot.
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  • arunkumar505

    MemberDec 22, 2009

    better to go for any common business suggested by someone , try to know the nerve of market where u want to start this . if u do some business in ur own way than it must be automatically be a unique one , may be the theme remain same but the success totally depends upon the way u do ur business
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberDec 22, 2009

    I am From AndhraPradesh.
    I need information about different types of Business that requires people a lot.
    BROTHER it depends on you....first think ...what CAN you provide better..then will get the answer....
    I personally suggest never follow others ..try make your own decisions
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  • sarveshgupta

    MemberDec 22, 2009

    You should first of all look what interests you then try searching for that around yourself

    What are the fields and what are the services available - it will help you widen your horizon of knowledge
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  • Prasad Ajinkya

    MemberDec 28, 2009

    Umm .. metmyworld,
    First write down things that you do best.
    Second, write down problems you see in the world.
    Third, if what you do best can solve those problems, then you have a value proposition going.

    Make a product/service out of that and voila! you are in business.
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  • cooltwins

    MemberJan 1, 2010

    cool thought process kidakaka 😀
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  • sookie

    MemberJan 2, 2010

    One thing from my side, I read it recently in some business e-magazine.

    Very first thing is "Know your customer". There is no point in making or redeveloping a thing that is already being there as you would need to face a tough competition in growing up your business. Look around what all type of customers you can find very much easily. Start something keeping them in your mind.

    Best of Luck ! 😀
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  • durga ch

    MemberJan 3, 2010

    @ Sookie : I agree.
    I have a small real time incident to narrate as well thoughis away from the thread subject. My Professor explained it to us when he was emphasing on one pursuing PhD.
    He has developed a router which works much better than current day routers, but the cost of the router development was enormous . When he approached a company to pick up his idea, they did not buy the idea becasue of the cost.
    He wanted to make a point saying that, we first need to know what are the loop holes in current system, and try fixing them thus gaining a market base. Going all the way to do something new is OK as long as your work is useful in some sense.
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  • Robi

    MemberJan 5, 2010

    Find what is interesting for your local community. The simplest way, check out what kind of magazines are available locally. Usually the publishers make a great marketing job first and only then recommend to your local sellers, what is better to sell.
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