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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 17, 2011

    Does anyone have piano notes for the song Main Gaoon Tum so Jao by Mohd. Rafi (from the movie Brahmachari)?
    Do you want the staff or the tabs (A,B,C,D etc.?) Not sure whether 'tabs' is the right word.
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  • Dancer_Engineer

    MemberDec 17, 2011

    When it comes to Piano, I'm a novice. I have tried my hand at small notes though.

    I don't know anything technical about playing the piano.

    I want to learn that song and play it as a birthday (9days to go) gift for my brother.
    If someone can help me, it would be great! 😀

    I found a video on YouTube, but that didn't help much. I cant see the keys the pianist is playing. 😔
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 17, 2011

    Are you familiar with the scales & chords?
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  • Dancer_Engineer

    MemberDec 17, 2011

    No! I don't know anything.

    I can play 'happy birthday' on the piano, that's all.
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  • Dancer_Engineer

    MemberDec 18, 2011

    Is there no one who can help me with this?
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