  • I found that only USB Drives (jump/flash/external/etc.) are not working on USB ports, other things like mice etc... are working perfectly, on my laptop.

    On connecting USB drive the we can see the USB drive in Disk drive (in Device Manager), but the in Storage volumes Generic volume is showing yellow mark, which is not resetting even on uninstalling/ installing.

    I am using Windos XP SP3. Is the antivirus can disable this? Their is Symantec ANTIVIRIUS has instaaled in my computer.

    Kindly help me in resuming the same.😕
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberNov 18, 2008

    Re: I found that only USB Drives (jump/flash/external/etc.) are not working on USB po

    Rajesh Soni
    I found that only USB Drives (jump/flash/external/etc.) are not working on USB ports, other things like mice etc... are working perfectly, on my laptop.

    On connecting USB drive the we can see the USB drive in Disk drive (in Device Manager), but the in Storage volumes Generic volume is showing yellow mark, which is not resetting even on uninstalling/ installing.

    I am using Windos XP SP3. Is the antivirus can disable this? Their is Symantec ANTIVIRIUS has instaaled in my computer.

    Kindly help me in resuming the same.😕
    Do you have HP laptop dv series...?

    If you do have then try using USB flash drive on left side of system where 2 USB ports are present... It worked for me on the left side.

    Reason may be that mouse is taking power from system, however flash drive has no external power source. May be your ports are by default configured for hardware using external power.

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  • Rajesh Soni

    MemberNov 18, 2008

    Re: I found that only USB Drives (jump/flash/external/etc.) are not working on USB po

    I have Compaq nx6120 laptop. Actually, it was working fine, but due to some urgent work I ahve connected it with my office LAN. (Where external USB drive are not allowed due to security reasons) Our office network has disabled my laptops USB drives ports also. Although, my other devices on USB are working fine, only drives are disabled. Due to this, I am not able transfer any data's.

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  • Anil Jain

    MemberNov 18, 2008

    Re: I found that only USB Drives (jump/flash/external/etc.) are not working on USB po

    Rajesh Soni
    I have Compaq nx6120 laptop. Actually, it was working fine, but due to some urgent work I ahve connected it with my office LAN. (Where external USB drive are not allowed due to security reasons) Our office network has disabled my laptops USB drives ports also. Although, my other devices on USB are working fine, only drives are disabled. Due to this, I am not able transfer any data's.


    Oops... now I gotta your problem.
    They have altered your registry key for pen drive access. Try searching registry for USB tor([HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\USBSTOR]
    make it 3 (instaed of 4.. current value should be 4)) and change the value to 4 from 3

    It may work by this. Or try finding out the registry which they have altered to block the USB.

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  • Rajesh Soni

    MemberNov 18, 2008

    Re: I found that only USB Drives (jump/flash/external/etc.) are not working on USB po

    I have checked the registry, as given by you. The value are as given:
    (Default) REG_SZ (Value not set)
    DisplayName REG_SZ USB Mass Storage Driver
    ErrorContrl REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1)
    Start REG_DWORD 0x00000003 (3)
    Type REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1)

    Still, the things are not working. If I see the device manager, I found the red cross on USB drive & Generic Volume showing yellow !. I tried to uninstal the driver of USB, on scanning the connected plug play, for fraction of secound I can see the USB drive, it seems that some things is blocking it after running the drive software.😒
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