Member • Jul 23, 2015
How to write professional email to client / boss [Guide]
These are the tips I've learned over the last decade as a software engineer working in IT company and as an entrepreneur. Please pay attention to each point because professional email is something you'll be dealing with throughout your career. Let's first start by understanding the basics.
Casual Email Vs. Professional Email
The biggest difference in my opinion is the 'tone' of the email; which is defined by your choice of words. When you are dealing professionally, you can't afford to be causal in your communication. Of course, it depends on how familiar you are with the person you are dealing with; but adopting a professional approach is always recommended. When you are communicating with the stakeholders viz. your colleagues, clients, team lead, managers; it's important that you stick to writing professional emails.
I've learned this very hard way! There are times when the person I was communicating with me stopped replying to my emails because I wasn't sticking to the point. It even resulted into loss of business on an occasion. Do not repeat the mistakes I did!
What are the characteristics of a professional email?
A professional email sticks to the point or subject defined for the email. This basically means that you should have a clear understanding of what it is that you wish to communicate and be careful about your choice of words. A professional email will make a clear opening and will most of the times end with a call to an action. We'll look at it in a bit. If it's beginning to sound bit complicated at this point, let me tell you that it's actually easier than what you're thinking.
Let's Get Started...
0. Subject will influence whether you get a reply or not
I've seen so many students and professionals leaving the subject line of their email empty. This is extremely unprofessional. Most of the times, corporate email spam checkers will direct your mail to spam box or the reader will simply delete it. One of the most important use of providing an appropriate subject to your email is that it's easier to search for any email later. Again, be very choosy while picking up words to put in the subject. If you have questions on how to write proper email subject, ask it below.
1. Never use SMS words!
This would be difficult for the smartphone generation, but if you are dealing with clients or bosses, stick to regular English. Take all the efforts to write 'you' instead of 'u' or 'for' instead of '4'.
2. No one reads long emails
There were times I used to think of emails as 'essays'. I'd write everything in detail and my final email draft would look like a big electronic gadget manual. No one has the time to read long emails and your best (and only) bet is to keep your email limited to 4-5 sentences or lines. I acknowledge that even today, I do face situations where I must write multiple paragraphs; but I make it a point to add titles so that the reader finds it easier to access the part of email he/she is interested in.
I've often experienced that if you are writing a business proposal or providing information, the recipients would only read the part that is relevant to them. Take all the efforts to highlight it.
3. Proper beginning of any email
One of the biggest mistakes people make is to guess the gender of the recipient from the name. This could cause embarrassment (personal experience, again!). The best workaround for this is to write "Dear name" or simply "Hi name" or "Hello name". If you don't know who you are writing to, simply write Hello or "To whom it may concern". That's it. No Mr./Ms/Mrs. in your mail. This is a simple point; but you will thank me for writing it here.
4. First line of your email
Always make your first line a 'pleasing' one. It could be simply "I hope you are doing well", "Very good to hear from you", "Thank you for writing...", "It's wonderful to hear from you" or "I really appreciate your quick response". This is a small thing; but always remember it while writing your email.
5. Second line of your email
The second line of your email is where you either
- introduce yourself; if you are contacting for the first time
- write the purpose of your email
- or do both
Dear Michael,Please stick to one or two sentences to make your intention clear. I remember I used this template to get very quick responses from world renowned personalities whom we contacted for our Small Talks (interviews) on CrazyEngineers. It worked every time!
I hope you are doing well. I am <4-6 word introduction>. I'm writing to.
6. Ending your email
Often end your email with a thanks along with a call to action, if required. For example, you could simply write "I'll be happy to hear from you"; which makes the receiver respond to your email. Conclude your email with a simple "Regards," followed by your full name + signature on the new line.
7. A word about signature in a professional email
I've seen funny to hilarious email signatures and that's why I've decided to give you a simple format that you should follow -
Firstname Lastname,
Designation | Company
Phone: 9822123456 | Email: #-Link-Snipped-#
A lot of people include quote; which IMHO you should avoid. It serves no purpose and unnecessarily adds to the length of your email. The above format has everything the recipient might be interested in; and you should not unnecessarily tell them a random quote that reflects your life's motto or purpose. Keep it simple, please.
That's all you should know about writing professional emails. These days, the tone of business emails is getting a bit casual; you will know when to be casual as you gain experience at work place. When you are at the start of your career, stick to the points mentioned above.
As always, if you have questions; feel free to ask them and we can then discuss.