  • Ramani

    MemberAug 2, 2013

    How to wash a Car

    It is much better to wash your car yourself, rather than at a car wash outlet.
    An hour a week can be an investment in your car’s future, not to mention a good excuse to spend quality time with the object of your four-wheel affections (and a couple of two legged ones, if the photo is anything to go by).

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  • Guttu

    MemberAug 3, 2013

    I wash my car myself. But once in a 30-45 days I take it to car wash outlet. The pressurized cleans it much better.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberAug 4, 2013

    An occasional visit at the car wash outlet would do some justice for your car, especially if it is in some dire need of polishing. I'd rather not do the polishing myself (with the buffing machine), could end up scratching the paint job if im not careful.

    But in most cases, hand wash with the sponge and water bucket is good. Allows you to do a full body inspection as well.
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