  • Here's a short guide on how to opt out of email via Google+ - the latest feature announced by Google that allows anyone in your circles to send emails to your Gmail inbox. Well, the nice thing about this feature is that your email will not be displayed to anyone; but they'll still be able to send email to you; whether you like it or not. If you love your inboxes to be cleaner; you're certainly going to dislike this feature. Google's turning the feature 'ON' to everyone by default; but there's an easy way to opt out of it.

    Once the feature is rolled out on your Google+ account; your associated Gmail account will have a new setting called "Email Via Google+". This setting will let you control who can send you emails via your Google+ profile. The setting will have following options-
    • Anyone on Google+ (this is the default setting; seriously Google?)
    • Extended Circles (friends of the friends in your circle)
    • Circles (people in your own circles)
    • No One
    The last option is the one you should choose. If someone who's not in your circle sends email, and you wish to continue receiving email from them; you'll have to add them to your circles. If you reply to them; your email ID will be made visible, which is logical.

    As of writing this post; the setting has not been enabled in our Google Apps account; but it should surely make it in the next few days.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 13, 2014

    Good news for those who are high-profile Google+ users. Aka those with thousands of followers - Google's going to restrict the default setting to very limited set of people. Only those who are in your circles will be able to send emails to you.

    I'm not sure what Google is up to; but when you have thousands of followers; the number of mails they may send is likely to be in hundreds; which can backfire on Google itself. High profile users of Google+ may just opt out of G+ completely.

    What do you think is the reason behind this move by Google?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJan 13, 2014

    One more interesting update - you won't be able to email Larry Page through his Google+ account. It's really a [HASHTAG]#fail[/HASHTAG] feature; Google! Your founders don't use the feature themselves and you're forcing it on all the rest of the users? Why? I ask!
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberJan 13, 2014

    Thanks for sharing this valuable information
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