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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 14, 2015

    how can i prepare my self for GMAT exam
    Well, some information about your background will help us give you better answers. For example, can you tell us -

    - Are you an engineering student? If yes, which year?
    - Are you a working professional? How much time can you spare?
    - Have you appeared for GATE before?
    - If yes, what was your score?
    - What are the current challenges you're facing in your preparation?
    - What are you specific questions about GATE preparation.

    ...and so on.
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  • Shreya P@ndey

    MemberOct 10, 2017

    I have studied for GMAT and scored 730 (96 percentile).
    My score break-up is Quant - 50 & Verbal - 38.

    The books I referred to prepare for GMAT are -
    1) Manhattan GMAT complete - Set of 10 books (Textbook for GMAT)
    2) Official Guide to GMAT - Set of 3 books (Question bank for GMAT)

    For test series, you may choose Veritas online test series -
    Set of 10 mock test for 18 US$

    In my opinion, you should give a mock test at the end of every week's preparation, as it will provide an accurate feedback.

    If you are a working professional, I would advice go for self-study. You should devote anywhere between 2 months (full time) or 4 months (part-time) to study for GMAT exam.

    Focus on the verbal section, as most Indians need a relatively higher focus on the verbal section compared to quant.

    Hope my answer helps in your journey to preparing for GMAT. Thanks.
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