Member • Jun 16, 2012
Member • Jun 16, 2012
Administrator • Jun 16, 2012
The only tried and tested way to improve your programming skills is by attempting programming challenges on your own, without relying on external help. Seek help only when it's absolutely necessary and you've given your best shot.nivedhalakhow can i improve my prog skills????
Member • Jun 16, 2012
Member • Jun 16, 2012
You must take up real time problems and try to write an algorithm for it and then implement it in a language of your own choice. For example, as a beginner, think of how your electricity bill gets calculated? How about just enter the number of units and the program must give the bill based on the cost per unit? How do you think that happened? You can think of the logic that you can multiply cost per unit with the total number of units. Now that you got the logic, writing it in any programming language is not a big deal. Writing a program for electricity bill is not a big issue but I cited this example to make the process clear. As a starter start with these kind of programs. On the next day, try new programs based on conditional constructs and so on. Try solving a problem by writing a program. How about you enter two matrices and the programs gives you the multiplication of them? Won't it be a good rather than multiplying every element of column with every element of row of another matrix? This way you can build up.nivedhalakhow can i improve my prog skills????
Member • Jun 17, 2012
Administrator • Jun 17, 2012
I think almost everyone starts with C & C++. If you're already familiar with these programming languages, you might pick up something on the web side like PHP or JavaScript. It should be fun to learn.nivedhalakwell thanks 4r all who hv replied to my quote....... now i`m entering into 3rd yr ,wat kinda programming language i must choose to improve myself..
Member • Jun 18, 2012
You need to go for C first as it will make learning other languages quite easier.. Get a great book like The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt and start learning. Its one awesome booknivedhalakwell thanks 4r all who hv replied to my quote....... now i`m entering into 3rd yr ,wat kinda programming language i must choose to improve myself..
Member • Jun 18, 2012
The_Big_KI think almost everyone starts with C & C++. If you're already familiar with these programming languages, you might pick up something on the web side like PHP or JavaScript. It should be fun to learn.
Administrator • Jun 18, 2012
If you're entirely new to programming, I'd strongly suggest the Head First series of books for any programming language. Head First PHP is a good book to start with the basics of PHP without getting bored. Head First JavaScript is also a good book. I'd strongly recommend learning a new language from a book than following an online course.nivedhalaksuggest som of t website & author to learn PHP or JavaScript.......
Member • Jun 18, 2012
Member • Jun 18, 2012