How to implement a linked list?

can anyone please tell me how to implement a linked list


  • skipper
    Yup; set up a data type with 3 elements, two are addresses and the third is data (arbitrarily sized). You can now construct a binary, or other kind of list. The addresses need to be of successor and predecessor entries in the list.

    The first element or head of the linked list has no predecessor, it links "back" to itself; its forward link is the address of the 2nd element. You need to code the appropriate list handlers, to insert/delete elements, change their position in the list, and traverse lists.

    Among other things.
  • shalini_goel14
    Hi judy3,

    You can also use Java1.4+ based readymade LinkedList class and consists of all the functions required for a linked list.

    Check this to know more about the class

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