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  • optimystix

    MemberFeb 12, 2010

    Re: if there anyotherway to do this

    there wont be any need for it.
    these days, website designing is about client side and server side programming.
    All the important codes, like password check, storage and all that are kept on server side and that is done through server side(servers such as yahoo,rediff etc) programming such as ASP(active server pages) and JSP(Java server pages).
    All other basic codes that are required just to display the website properly take place on the client side(users). These codes even if changed will cause changes to the client's browser and wont affect anything on the server. Different programming conventions are used as needed and thus security is maintained. Encryption or https(http secure) connections maybe used to deal with tighter security issues such as online payments and banking transactions
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  • Pechu

    MemberFeb 13, 2010

    Re: if there any other way to do this

    Yup, no use in hiding those codes.

    You can disable the right click option, but even then the " view page source " may be accessed from the drop down menu. 😀
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  • whiz.kid.aniket

    MemberFeb 20, 2010

    Re: if there any other way to do this

    as we all know the html source codes can be get it from the browser menu
    i.e by clicking view menu and then on page there anyway to make this html code hidden.....or password protected

    hey you can use HTML encrypter!!!

    just google it!!

    i hope this helps.
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  • callyD

    MemberFeb 21, 2010

    The code displayed in View Source is client side script. These elements are required by the browser to render your page and validate any user action on client side. But this may not be the complete code as there is server side scripting as well where usually the main logic resides.
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  • sookie

    MemberFeb 21, 2010

    as we all know the html source codes can be get it from the browser menu
    i.e by clicking view menu and then on page there anyway to make this html code hidden.....or password protected
    I don't think so encryption will work for this unless you want very tight security of your html page and are ready to take that much pain.

    One silly approach can work - just leaking it with you people. It makes many people fools who are not smart like me 😛

    Just add MANY(say some 1000 or 5000 :sshhh😀 blank lines at the top of your html page and put all your html code below it. So when user will open the view page source, he/she will be made fool as they will not be able to see the code[ which might exist at the bottom of page]

    Just give a try if works !
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  • gaurav.bhorkar

    MemberFeb 21, 2010

    Ha ha...

    Thats a nice idea Sookie!😁
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  • Sahithi Pallavi

    MemberFeb 22, 2010

    ha ha ha ha.

    Fine and funny idea sookie.
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  • NDL

    MemberFeb 22, 2010

    Nice thread but I am confuse what is the use of hiding your site's page source :O
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