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  • gaurav.bhorkar

    MemberJul 27, 2014

    Just rename the file with .exe extension 😉

    EXE extension is meant for executable files, not for storing data. Why do you want to convert xls to exe? If you want dynamic functionality in your excel file then you can use macros.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorJul 27, 2014

    Yeah. #-Link-Snipped-# Me too. Curious to know why you are trying to convert a XLS file to EXE.

    The only advantage I can think of is that on opening the EXE file, it will start Excel with a copy of the XLS file and the macros in the file do
    not cause Excel to show the "Enable/Disable" macro alert each time the
    file is started.

    Here are some programs that will help you do that though -
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Excel To Exe converter</a>
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