  • I am facing problem in configuring apache on my AWS web server,

    I have installed httpd on it and also set it in running mode

    But still when i am trying to access website, it is showing error , "website may be down or under maintenance " here expected result is

    it should open default message "It works" after successful installation

    Can anyone tell me where i am wrong?

    Operating system :- Red Hat Linux 64 bit
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberNov 4, 2011

    If you are using a CMS like drupal or joomla or wordpress, they have an option called maintenance mode. Check if that is active or set true. This problem is not of server, but the configuration. Alternatively you can also check .htaccess file to see if there is a redirection enabled.
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberNov 4, 2011

    No I am not using any cms , i am just trying to configure apache on my server, but don't know why it is not working

    Did you ever installed then apache on server manually?

    it is exactly like you install xampp on windows and it shows you "It works" message on browser, when you type localhost on address bar
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberNov 4, 2011

    Yes I have! Could there be any other process running on port 80? Have you checked the port address in Apache? It looks a typical problem!
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberNov 4, 2011

    yeah, i have checked it , it is listening on Port 80
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberNov 4, 2011

    Let me clear , how did i install it

    I had run following commands after login through putty

    yum install httpd

    yum instal httpd-devel

    then run cmd :- /etc/init.d/httpd start

    and its shows httpds - start

    Did i missed something?
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  • Rupam Das

    MemberNov 4, 2011

    Have you installed in sudo mode?

    I mean by default you are logged in as super user?

    BTW, if apache is listening to port 80, that means the process is running.

    which page it is opening in browser? like index.php/index.htm? Why not make a simple html and copy it in apache's public-html and invoke that?


    if it opens than should be fine!
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberNov 4, 2011

    Yeah i have created that file too, but no use, i am just not able to figure out what i am missing here
    Can you tell me what steps will you follow to install apache on server?

    All you have is fresh server, with just server access and one external IP + internal IP
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberNov 5, 2011

    Ok guys

    Issue fixed, the problem was very common,

    I had to add exception in linux server to enable it to listen on port 80 😀
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