How to chosse a low end Zigbee module?

from past 2 weeks i was working on different wireless modules and comparisons with testing,i used low coast device like nrf24l01 to Xbee modules,i found the melange made tarang module is just enough to carry in medium and high end wireless applications,in this module we have F30,F20 and F04 series,according to our area of coverage concept and power,band width etcs are been selected.

here is the doc please follow the link:
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  • Harshad Italiya
    Harshad Italiya
    from past 2 weeks i was working on different wireless modules and comparisons with testing,i used low coast device like nrf24l01 to Xbee modules,i found the melange made tarang module is just enough to carry in medium and high end wireless applications,in this module we have F30,F20 and F04 series,according to our area of coverage concept and power,band width etcs are been selected.
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