  • I decided to give the new UPI payments system built by the Government to find out how it works. I was asked to create a UPI ID for myself so that I can quickly make or accept payments. I created an ID for myself and now wondering if there is any facility to change it. I'm also curious to know if the UPI ID or VPA ID is unique across all the banks. Mine has @ in it.

    Would really appreciate if you could throw some light on this issue. Have you began using the UPI or VPA ID for transactions?

    For Starters: UPI stands for Unified Payments Interface and VPA stands for Virtual Payments Address.
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberJan 6, 2017

    It is unique across same Bank, not across all banks I think as it it showing me same name available under another Bank UPI app.
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  • rahul69

    MemberJan 8, 2017

    The name part is unique within bank, the @bank part will make it unique across all banks.
    And regarding changing it, I think it will depend on your bank.(As the resolution will be happening at individual bank's end)
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